-plegia, -pleg, -plegic, -plegy, plego-, pleg-
(Greek: stroke, blow, strike; paralysis)
phrenoplegia, phrenoplegy; phrenoparalysis
1. Diaphragmtic paralysis.
2. Sudden failing of the mind.
3. Derangement or disturbance of mental balance.
2. Sudden failing of the mind.
3. Derangement or disturbance of mental balance.
1. Auscultation of the chest during percussion over the larynx or trachea in cases in which the patient cannot or is not allowed to speak.
2. Auscultation of the chest through the use of nonlaryngeal vibrations in those instances where the subject is unable to talk.
2. Auscultation of the chest through the use of nonlaryngeal vibrations in those instances where the subject is unable to talk.
The vibrations are usually induced by gentle tapping over the upper trachea and such vibrations produced by this percussion take the place of those which usually come from the vocal cords.
An allusion to the rapid strokes of vibrating cilia of infusoria.
Infusoria is one of the classes of Protozoa, including a large number of species, all of minute size.
They are found in all seas, lakes, ponds, and streams, as well as in infusions of organic matter exposed to the air.
They are distinguished by having vibrating lashes or cilia, with which they obtain their food and swim about.
1. Paralysis of abrupt onset.
2. Any type of paralysis.
2. Any type of paralysis.
An instrument for measuring the strength of a blow.
Paralysis affecting several muscles simultaneously.
Relating to paralysis affecting several muscles at the same time.
A sleep specialist who monitors sleep studies and records the relevant physiologic variables: After a test is completed, a polysomnographic technologist analyzes the recorded data by checking for breathing irregularities, sudden changes in brain-wave activity, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, leg movements, body positions, and oxygen saturation during the patient's sleep.
1. Bilateral facial paralysis.
2. Paralysis of one side of the face and of both lower limbs.
2. Paralysis of one side of the face and of both lower limbs.
1. Paralysis affecting the face.
2. Paralysis of the facial muscles
2. Paralysis of the facial muscles
1. A contracting gas cloud in the embryonic of beginning stage of a star formation before the onset or beginning of thermonuclear reactions in its interior.
2. A celestial object made of a contracting cloud of interstellar medium (mostly hydrogen gas) which eventually becomes a main-sequence star.
2. A celestial object made of a contracting cloud of interstellar medium (mostly hydrogen gas) which eventually becomes a main-sequence star.
Less massive protostars may take hundres of millions of years to evolve into stars; massive ones contract more quickly and may take only a few hundred thousand years to evolve.
Dementia of a rapidly progressive nature.