plaud-, plaus-, plod-, plos-
(Latin: to clap, to strike, to beat; to clap the hands in approbation [recognition as good], to approve)
1. Increasing suddenly and with uncontrolled rapidity.
2. Bursting and expanding with force and a violent report.
3. Rejecting with sudden remarks of disapprobation or contempt; rejecting; condemning.
2. Bursting and expanding with force and a violent report.
3. Rejecting with sudden remarks of disapprobation or contempt; rejecting; condemning.
That which is capable of exploding; a contrivance that can cause an explosion; such as, exploding gunpowder, gas, etc.
1. The action of driving out, or of issuing forth, with violence and noise: When the golfer hit the ball out of the sand trap, there was an explosion of sand and gravel as the ball sailed through the air for a long distance.
2. A result of going off with a loud noise under the influence of suddenly developed internal energy; also used in reference to electric discharges or to a boiler, bomb, gun, etc.: The explosion of the gun shot in the corridor of the school frightened the children and caused the principal to immediately contact the police.
3. The action of suddenly bursting or flying in pieces from a primary cause: There was nothing but debris, or wreckage, on the ground after the midair explosion that destroyed the small aircraft as it was taking off; unfortunately, the pilot did not survive.
4. A sudden increase in size or number; such as, a population: With the successful drilling of water wells in the desert community, there was an explosion of people who moved there from a nearby overly crowded city.
2. A result of going off with a loud noise under the influence of suddenly developed internal energy; also used in reference to electric discharges or to a boiler, bomb, gun, etc.: The explosion of the gun shot in the corridor of the school frightened the children and caused the principal to immediately contact the police.
3. The action of suddenly bursting or flying in pieces from a primary cause: There was nothing but debris, or wreckage, on the ground after the midair explosion that destroyed the small aircraft as it was taking off; unfortunately, the pilot did not survive.
4. A sudden increase in size or number; such as, a population: With the successful drilling of water wells in the desert community, there was an explosion of people who moved there from a nearby overly crowded city.
1. Capable of exploding, or likely to explode.
2. Happening or appearing suddenly and dramatically.
3. Tending to drive something forth with violence and noise.
2. Happening or appearing suddenly and dramatically.
3. Tending to drive something forth with violence and noise.
The quality of being explosive; tendency to explode.
implausible (adjective); more implausible, most implausible
1. A reference to a quality that provokes disbelief: Henry gave the teacher an implausible excuse for being tardy.
2. Relating to something that is highly imaginative and unlikely: The weather forecaster had an implausible explanation as to why the thunder storm suddenly took place during the sunny day.
3. Characteristic of a lack of any truth or credibility: Rob’s parents had a hard time trying to believe his implausible reason for going to bed so late, because he has given them such unbelievable and false explanations before!

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2. Relating to something that is highly imaginative and unlikely: The weather forecaster had an implausible explanation as to why the thunder storm suddenly took place during the sunny day.
3. Characteristic of a lack of any truth or credibility: Rob’s parents had a hard time trying to believe his implausible reason for going to bed so late, because he has given them such unbelievable and false explanations before!

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1. Something which provokes disbelief.
2. Not having the appearance of truth or credibility.
2. Not having the appearance of truth or credibility.
1. Not easy to believe.
2. Without any appearance of probability.
2. Without any appearance of probability.
implode, imploding
1. To burst inwards.
2. To collapse inwardly with force, as a result of external pressure being greater than the internal pressure, or to cause something to collapse inwardly.
3. To demolish (a building) by causing it to collapse inwardly.
4. To suffer from total economic or political collapse; for example, as a result of poor management and financial insolvency.
2. To collapse inwardly with force, as a result of external pressure being greater than the internal pressure, or to cause something to collapse inwardly.
3. To demolish (a building) by causing it to collapse inwardly.
4. To suffer from total economic or political collapse; for example, as a result of poor management and financial insolvency.
An implosive sound.
The bursting inward of a vessel or structure from external pressure that is greater than the internal pressure: The very old building was collapsing and the city officials decided to use the method of implosion to completely destroy it, so the walls would fall towards the center.
Indicating or relating to violent inward collapse.
Indicating or relating to violent inward collapse.
Not explosive; not liable to or capable of exploding.