pigment-, pigmento- +

(Latin: "paint"; coloring matter involving both animals and plants)

This unit is directly related to the pict- family of words.

accessory pigment
A pigment found in plants, algae, and some bacteria, that absorbs light energy and channels it to the principal active pigment responsible for photosynthesis, usually a type of chlorophyll.
acropigmentation (s) (noun), acropigmentations (pl)
An abnormal or unnatural colouring of the hands or feet: Acropigmentation is a hyperpigmentation of the dorsal surfaces of the fingers and toes beginning in early childhood and usually increasing with age.

Acropigmentation is more common in persons of dark complexion.

1. Absence, or partial loss, of pigmentation (or less than normal pigmentation) of the pigment melanin; especially, in the skin, eyes, or hair.
2. Loss of color (pigment) from the skin, mucous membranes, hair, or retina of the eyes.
Too much pigment resulting in dark spots on the skin.

Hyperpigmentation is primarily a cosmetic concern that can be covered with make-up, although in some cases; such as, the café au lait spots associated with neurofibromatosis, it can be a sign of an underlying medical problem.

If treatment of hyperpigmentation is desired, a dermatologist may be able to use dermabrasion, laser treatments, or bleaching agents to effect changes.

hypopigmentation, underpigmentation
Too little pigment or a condition caused by a deficiency in melanin formation or a loss of pre-existing melanin or melanocytes.

It can be complete or partial and may result from trauma, inflammation, and certain infections.

incontinentia pigmenti
A genetic disease that begins soon after birth with the development of blisters on the trunk and limbs.

These blisters then heal, but leave dark hyperpigmented streaks and marble-like whorls on the skin. Other key features include dental and nail abnormalities, bald patches and, in about one-third of cases, mental retardation.

The name came from the erroneous idea that the skin cells were incontinent of pigment and could not contain it normally.

1. A pigment, such as a retinal pigment, that is unstable in the presence of light.
2. Pigment involved in photosynthesis in plants which includes chlorophyll, carotenoids, and phycobilins.
1. Dry coloring matter, usually an insoluble powder, to be mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint and similar products.
2. A natural substance in plant or animal tissue that gives it its color.
3. A substance, such as chlorophyll or melanin, that produces a characteristic color in plant or animal tissue.
4. Etymology: from Latin pigmentum, "coloring matter, pigment, paint"; from the root of pingere, "to color, to paint".
pigmental, pigmentous
Pigmentary degeneration or a morbid condition in which an undue amount of pigment is deposited in the tissues.
1. Pertaining to, having, or producing pigment.
2. Supplied with pigments.
1. The atypical coloring in plant or animal tissue that occurs as a result of disease.
2. The presence of pigment or the coloring of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, and retina of the eyes.

Pigmentation is due to the deposition of melanin which is a coloring matter. The melanin is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes.

Consuming pigments; destroying paint.
pigmentocracy (s) (noun), pigmentocracies (pl)
A ruling class made up of people of one skin color: Sally learned that a pigmentocracy was a system of government run by those of a certain skin tone and without regard to social and economic factors.
A substance that destroys a pigment.
A cell that carries pigment.