physic-, physico-, physi-, physio-, phy-

(Greek: nature, natural, inborn [to make grow, to produce])

The belief that that Jesus Christ has a single inseparable nature that is both human and divine.
A Christian heresy of the 5th and 6th centuries that challenged the orthodox definition of the two natures (human and divine) in Jesus and instead believed there was a single divine nature.
Of or concerned with neurophysiology.
1. The branch of physiology that studies how the nervous system functions.
2. Physiology of the nervous system of the human body.
In ichthyology, the dorsal projections of the vertebrae that unite to form the neural arch and spine.
Lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen.
One of the erect sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses.
The French absurdist concept of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics, intended as a parody of the methods and theories of modern science and often expressed in nonsensical language.
pathophysiology (s) (noun), pathophysiologies (pl)
The physiological process connected with a disease, an injury, or a disordered function: Pathophysiology is the research of developments of ailments, including the disturbance of a function that a disease causes in an organ, as distinct from any changes in structure that might be caused.

Pathophysiology is also concerned with a deranged function in an individual or an organ that is due to a disease.

physagogue (s) (noun), physagogues (pl)
The expulsion of flatus: Because Mr. Grant suffered from gas in his digestive tract, he went to his doctor who said that he had a condition of physagogue, which could be treated.
physianthropy (fih LAN thruh pee)
1. The study of the constitution of humans, their diseases, and their remedies.
2. The philosophy of human life, or the doctrine of the constitution and diseases of people, and their remedies.
A physician who specializes in physiatry (rehabilitation medicine).
1. That branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease with the aid of physical agents; such as, light, heat, cold, water, and electricity, or with a mechanical apparatus; physical medicine.
2. An old term for physical therapy.
3. Rehabilitation management.
4. The doctrine or system of natural cures.
5. The applications of natural agencies in medicine.
1. A physician who specializes in physiatrics.
2. A physician who specializes in physical medicine.
3. A health care professional who administers physical therapy; a physical therapist.
Physical medicine; physiatrics.