phrag-, phragm-, phragmo-, phrax-, -phraxis +

(Greek: fence, wall off, stop up; obstruction)

An obstruction to the discharge of a glandular secretion.
1. The thin muscle below the lungs and heart that separates the chest from the abdomen.
2. A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration; midriff.

The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration. Contraction of the diaphragm muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in.

We rely heavily on the diaphragm for our respiratory function so that when the it is impaired, it can compromise our breathing.

3. A membranous part that divides or separates.
4. A thin disk, especially in a microphone or telephone receiver, which vibrates in response to sound waves to produce electric signals, or that vibrates in response to electric signals to produce sound waves.
5. A contraceptive device consisting of a thin flexible disk, usually made of rubber, that is designed to cover the uterine cervix to prevent the entry of sperm during sexual intercourse.
6. A disk having a fixed or variable opening used to restrict the amount of light traversing a lens or optical system.
diaphragmalgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A rarely used term for a pain in the diaphragm: There are many reasons for diaphragmalgia, or the distress in an individual's muscle that separates the abdominal region and the thoracic cavity, like an injury, intense activity, and even a pregnancy.
Relating to, of the nature of, or referring to, a diaphragm.
diaphragmatic hernia
A condition present at birth where there is an abnormal protrusion of abdominal contents upward through a defect in the diaphragm.

This condition is treated as a surgical emergency due to interference with the infant's breathing. Smaller, less serious diaphragmatic hernias may also be seen in adults.

diaphragmodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A term for a pain in the diaphragm: Diaphragmodynia can occur when a person has bronchitis, gastritis, an infection, multiple sclerosis, or even when a woman is pregnant!
A clogging or obstruction of the mouth of the sweat gland.
1. A calcified or membranous septum produced by certain land snails during hibernation and functioning to cover the shell opening and prevent desiccation.
2. In botany, a membrane enclosing the capsule in certain mosses.
Ground membrane which works to continue uninterruptedly as transverse membranes through all the adjoining fibrils of a muscle fiber.
Obstruction or closure of the larynx.
Obstruction in the pancreatic duct, causing swelling of the gland.
The inability to perform purposive movements properly.
1. Obstruction of a vein by a plug or clot.
2. Occlusion of a vein by a blood clot.
phrenemphraxis, phreniclasia
Crushing of a section of the phrenic nerve to produce a temporary paralysis of the diaphragm.
salpingemphraxis (s) (noun), salpingemphraxes (pl)
Obstruction of the eustachian (a crescent-shaped fold of the lining membrane of the heart at the entrance of the vena cava inferior) or the fallopian tube.