phanero-, phaner-, -phane, -phan, -phanic, -phanous,
-phany +
(Greek: to show; to make visible, to manifest, to open)
The hygrophanous description refers to the color change of mushroom tissue (especially the pileus surface or the "cap" of a fungal fruiting body) as it loses or absorbs water; which causes the pileipellis to become more transparent when wet and opaque when dry.
2. A phrase-monger or a person who uses bombastic phraseology.
3. Anyone who pretentiously uses words.
4. Etymology: from Greek lexiphanes, "phrase monger", from lexis, "word" + -phaneia, "to show".
2. Etymology: from Greek lexis, "word" + phainein, "to show".

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2. An instrument to examine the interior or the retina of the eye by transillumination.
Phaneritic rocks are intrusive rocks that cooled slowly enough to allow significant crystal growth.
2. A references to igneous rock grain size.It means that the size of the grains in the rock are large enough to be distinguished with the unaided eye as opposed to aphanitic; which is too small to be seen with the naked eye.
2. Of known origin or etiology; such as, a disease.
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; spec-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.