pend-, -pens, -pense, -pending, -pended
(Latin: hang, hanging; weigh, weighing; to cause to hang down; related to words in this pond- unit.)
Inflammation of the tissue surrounding the vermiform appendix (wormlike intestinal diverticulum extending from the blind end of the cecum; it varies in length and ends in a blind extremity).
The cecum is a blind pouch-like commencement of the colon in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen at the end of the small intestine.
Adjacent to or surrounding an appendix.
1. Calmness and relaxation in behavior, even during difficult situations: Melba kept her poise even while she was being severely criticized.
2. A graceful and calm way of sitting, moving, walking, standing, etc.: Elisa is a dancer who has great poise and grace.
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2. A graceful and calm way of sitting, moving, walking, standing, etc.: Elisa is a dancer who has great poise and grace.

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poise (verb), poises; poised; poising
1. A controlled and relaxed way of behaving, even in difficult situations.
2. A calm self-assured dignity; especially, in dealing with social situations.
3. A graceful controlled way of standing, moving, or performing an action.
4. A state of hovering or being in suspension, as from equality or equal distribution of weight.
5. The ability to conduct oneself confidently and comfortably; self-possession.
6. Etymology: "weight, quality of being heavy", later "significance, importance" (mid-15th century), from Old French pois, "weight, balance, consideration"; from Medieval Latin pesum, "weight", from Latin pensum and pendere, "to weigh".
2. A calm self-assured dignity; especially, in dealing with social situations.
3. A graceful controlled way of standing, moving, or performing an action.
4. A state of hovering or being in suspension, as from equality or equal distribution of weight.
5. The ability to conduct oneself confidently and comfortably; self-possession.
6. Etymology: "weight, quality of being heavy", later "significance, importance" (mid-15th century), from Old French pois, "weight, balance, consideration"; from Medieval Latin pesum, "weight", from Latin pensum and pendere, "to weigh".
The sense of "steadiness, composure" was first recorded in the 1640's, from the notion of being equally weighted on either side.
The verb is first recorded in the late 14th century, "to have a certain weight", from Old French peser, from Vulgar Latin pesare; from Latin pensare. "to weigh carefully", and pendere, "to weigh".
1. A natural inclination or tendency to behave in a certain way: According to her sister, Sharon had a propensity to talk too much.
2. Etymology: "a disposition to favor", from propense, "inclined, prone" (1528), from Latin propendere, "to incline to, to hang forward, to weigh over"; from pro-, "forward" + pendere, "to hang".

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2. Etymology: "a disposition to favor", from propense, "inclined, prone" (1528), from Latin propendere, "to incline to, to hang forward, to weigh over"; from pro-, "forward" + pendere, "to hang".

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