pecca-, pecc-
(Latin: to err, to sin, to commit a crime)
1. A status of being faultless or free from imperfections; perfect actions and habits: Susan has the impeccability of choosing the best clothes to wear at work or when she is involved in other activities.
2. Etymology: from Latin im-, “not” + peccare, “to err, to sin”.
2. Etymology: from Latin im-, “not” + peccare, “to err, to sin”.
impeccable (im PEK uh b'l) (adjective), more impeccable, most impeccable
1. Descriptive of something so perfect or flawless as to be beyond criticism: Sam had an impeccable record as a reliable mail carrier in Helena's neighborhood.
2. Concerning something or someone being without faults or errors: Dr. Brown’s reputation as an impeccable physician makes him a desirable consultant for other medical doctors.
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2. Concerning something or someone being without faults or errors: Dr. Brown’s reputation as an impeccable physician makes him a desirable consultant for other medical doctors.

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impeccably (im PEK uh blee) (adverb), more impeccably, most impeccably
Relating to perfection and conveying no bad characteristics: Alice is an editor who has impeccably analyzed the articles of her reporters to determine if there is any misinformation or content that needs to be improved before the newspaper is published.
A quality or condition of being sinful or doing evil things: The peccability of some people results in terrible crimes against others; such as, robberies or murders.
peccable (PEK uh buhl) (adjective), more peccable, most peccable
Descriptive of the perpetration of sinful or wrongful acts: History has many examples of peccable crimes that have resulted from wars which have caused a great deal of suffering for the soldiers and those innocent civilians who were not involved in the battles.

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1. A small or venial fault or sin; a trifling offense: Helena's supervisor considered her late five-minute arrival at work a peccadillo and so he didn't say anything about it; at least, not this time.
2. A petty crime or unimportant offense or fault: Harriet was fortunate that the police officer considered her walking across the street when the traffic light was yellow a peccadillo and not something more serious.
3. Etymology: from Spanish pecadillo, pecado, "a sin"; from Latin peccatum, "a sin, a fault, an error"; from peccare, "to make a mistake, to sin".
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2. A petty crime or unimportant offense or fault: Harriet was fortunate that the police officer considered her walking across the street when the traffic light was yellow a peccadillo and not something more serious.
3. Etymology: from Spanish pecadillo, pecado, "a sin"; from Latin peccatum, "a sin, a fault, an error"; from peccare, "to make a mistake, to sin".

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peccaminous (pek" uh MIN uhs) (adjective), more peccaminous; most peccaminous
Conveying villainous or corrupt behavior: Too many politicians have been found guilty of peccaminous activities and even some religious people have also been involved in more peccaminous conduct.
Moral transgression and immoral behavior: Many movies present offensive peccancies which may encourage some viewers to replicate what they have seen.
peccant (PEK uhnt) (adjective), more peccant, most peccant
A reference to the commitment of an evil fault or moral offense: The reporter on TV was talking about a peccant husband who passed out from a drug overdose in a brothel, or house of prostitutes, and had to be rushed to a hospital.
A depraved, dishonorable, or immoral act: Once in awhile, there have been reports about adults, including teachers and religious leaders, who have committed peccations with minors.
peccatiphobia (pek uh ti FOH bi uh), peccatophobia (pek uh tuh FOH bi uh) (s) (noun); peccatiphobias, peccatophobias (pl)
An very strong fear of being depraved or of doing immoral acts: Even the most righteous people can have peccatiphobia because of the many temptations which are difficult to avoid.
The act of saying, "I have sinned", which is an admission, or a confession, of being guilty of doing something that is wrong!
During a period of British hegemony, or political control, in India and Pakistan; there was some sort of uprising in the province of "Sind" that resulted in a military response by British forces.
When order was restored, the British general cabled the home office with just one word: "Peccavi"!
He apparently had no doubt that the message would be perfectly clear; that is, "I have sinned" or "I have made a serious mistake."
Related "sin, sinful" word unit: harmarto-.
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