pari-, par-
(Greek: same, equal, equality, equal value)
impari- (prefix)
Unequal; uneven, odd [of numbers]; odd-numbered
Having an odd number of fingers or toes, either one, three, or five, as in the horse, tapir, rhinoceros, etc.
imparipinnate (adjective)
Having an uneven number of pinnae (two rows of branches, or leaflets arranged on each side of a common stem), by virtue of having one terminal pinna (a primary segment of the blade of a compound leaf): "The trunk the tree is without branches and has a crown of feathery or imparipinnate fronds or leaves like a fern."
1. Any word consisting of an unequal number of syllables; such as, an imparisyllabic noun.
2. A word which does not have the same number of syllables in all situations; such as, lapis, lapidis; mens, mentis.
3. Not composed of the same number of syllables in all of its inflected forms; such as, Latin corpus, corporis.
2. A word which does not have the same number of syllables in all situations; such as, lapis, lapidis; mens, mentis.
3. Not composed of the same number of syllables in all of its inflected forms; such as, Latin corpus, corporis.
imparity, imparities
A lack of parity or equality; disparity, or inequality.
incomparable (adjective), more incomparable, most incomparable
1. Impossible to juxtapose or unsuitable for differentiation or lacking features that can be likened: The gorgeous views of the ocean from Sally's house are incomparable to those seen from Jim's house on the busy street in Los Angeles.
2. So excellent, outstanding, or unique as to have no equal: The chocolate cake that Lisa made is incomparable and unsurpassable to any other one Lynn ate!
2. So excellent, outstanding, or unique as to have no equal: The chocolate cake that Lisa made is incomparable and unsurpassable to any other one Lynn ate!
Excellence beyond comparison.
incomparably (adverb), more incomparably, most incomparably
A reference to how something is immeasurably great; eminently: Mr. and Mrs. Thompson thought that the dinner they had was incomparably excellent and superior and decided to go back to the same restaurant in the very near future.
nec pluribus impar
Not unequal to most.
This motto, also interpreted to mean "a match for anyone", is attributed to Louis XIV of France, who used the sun as his emblem and was known as Le Roi Soleil, "the sun king".
This is an example of a litotes, a deliberate understatement in which an affirmative thought is expressed by stating the negative of the contrary thought; also, as in the sentence, "I am not unmindful of your devotions".
nonpareil (adjective), more nonpareil, most nonpareil
Relating to someone or something that is unique, unequaled, or unrivaled: In her class at school, Dorothy thought that Albert was nonpareil in his talent for reading out loud because nobody else could read as well as he could!

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1. Two matching objects that are designed to be used together.
2. A garment or article consisting of two matching or identical parts joined together.
3. Two people who are doing something together, or who are considered together because there is some connection between them.
4. Etymology: "two of a kind, coupled in use", from Old French paire, from Latin paria, "equals"; from par, "a pair, counterpart, equal", a noun use of the adjective form of par, "equal".
2. A garment or article consisting of two matching or identical parts joined together.
3. Two people who are doing something together, or who are considered together because there is some connection between them.
4. Etymology: "two of a kind, coupled in use", from Old French paire, from Latin paria, "equals"; from par, "a pair, counterpart, equal", a noun use of the adjective form of par, "equal".
Having an even number of digits on the hands or the feet.
paripinnate (adjective)
Having an even number of pinnae (leaflets) including having a pair in the terminal or end position: "In biology, the students were learning about the paripinnate leaves of ferns."
A description of a noun or verb that contains the same number of syllables in all of its inflections.
1. Equality of status or position; especially, in terms of pay or rank.
2. The quality of being similar or identical.
3. The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed official rate of exchange.
4. Equality of prices of goods or securities in two different markets.
2. The quality of being similar or identical.
3. The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed official rate of exchange.
4. Equality of prices of goods or securities in two different markets.