(Latin: panis, bread)
A person or an animal that one spends a great deal of time or with whom someone travels.
companionable (adjective), more companionable, most companionable
Pertaining to a person or animal that is friendly and sociable: Jane's girlfriend was very companionable because she was so good-natured, warm, and convivial.
1. A commercial business.
2. Being with another person or other people in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment.
3. A person or people who are considered to be a source of friendship and enjoyment.
4. Someone or those who are visiting: James is expecting company later.
5. A body of soldiers who are part of the smallest subdivision of an infantry battalion: The troops of B Company were marching in the parade.
6. A group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together. Al is part of a touring opera company.
7. Etymology: from Old French compaignon, "society, friendship, body of soldiers"; literally, "one who breaks bread with another"; from Latin com-,"‘together with" + panis, "bread".
2. Being with another person or other people in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment.
3. A person or people who are considered to be a source of friendship and enjoyment.
4. Someone or those who are visiting: James is expecting company later.
5. A body of soldiers who are part of the smallest subdivision of an infantry battalion: The troops of B Company were marching in the parade.
6. A group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together. Al is part of a touring opera company.
7. Etymology: from Old French compaignon, "society, friendship, body of soldiers"; literally, "one who breaks bread with another"; from Latin com-,"‘together with" + panis, "bread".
A basket used for storing or carrying bread: "The bakery used several panaria to transport bread to various retail outlets."
The consumption of bread as a source of food or living primarily on bread.
Here is a man who is a serious panivore and so he is an example of panivory.

1. A small closed space connected to a kitchen, often with a door, in which food and utensils for food preparation can be stored.
2. A highly ventilated cold small room or walk-in cupboard with shelves and a marble surface used for storing food.
3. Etymology: from about 1300 which came from Anglo-Frrench panetrie from Old French paneterie, "bread room"; from Medieval Latin (about 700 A.D. to about 1500 A.D.) panataria, "office" or "room of a servant who has charge of the food"; literally, "bread"; from Latin panis, "bread".
2. A highly ventilated cold small room or walk-in cupboard with shelves and a marble surface used for storing food.
3. Etymology: from about 1300 which came from Anglo-Frrench panetrie from Old French paneterie, "bread room"; from Medieval Latin (about 700 A.D. to about 1500 A.D.) panataria, "office" or "room of a servant who has charge of the food"; literally, "bread"; from Latin panis, "bread".
1. A small flavored or medicated lozenge.
2. A substance, usually in tablet or paste form, which is burned to scent or to fumigate a room.
3. Etymology: from Mid-17th century via French from Latin pastillus, "lozenge, little loaf"; which is from Latin panis, "loaf.
2. A substance, usually in tablet or paste form, which is burned to scent or to fumigate a room.
3. Etymology: from Mid-17th century via French from Latin pastillus, "lozenge, little loaf"; which is from Latin panis, "loaf.
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