-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
abdominous (adjective); more abdominous, most abdominous
Regarding an individual who has a big belly: One of the characters in the story Albert was reading was portrayed as being abdominous, or overly corpulent and fat, and hardly fit into his trousers!
abiogenous (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the coming into existence without springing from previous living beings: There are those who claim that abiogenous creatures were produced spontaneously without any previous living ancestors.
A congenital reduction of the eyelids (partial or complete).
abstemious (adjective); more abstemious, most abstemious
1. Relating to moderateness when eating and drinking; sober, temperate: Ted's family ate abstemious meals in order to cut down on their overweight conditions.
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Abstemious people restrict themselves to the bare necessities of life and prefer an austere, simple, or unassuming lifestyle.
2. Etymology: abs-, ab-, "from, away from" + temetum, "intoxicating drink, mead, wine".
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acanthaceous (adjective), more acanthaceous, most acanthaceous
Regarding something bearing prickles or spines; having spinous processes: Some plants, as with rosebushes or boysenberry bushes. are considered to be acanthaceous!
acanthocarpous (adjective), more acanthocarpous; most acanthocarpous
Pertaining to fruit that is covered with spines: In her botany book, Anita read about acanthocarpous flora, a member of the family Acanthaceae, having the reproductive structure enveloped with a prickly growth.
acanthocephalous (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to a spiny head: In Chuck's zoology book, he read that acanthocephalous referred to the needle-like structures on the proboscis of the acanthocephalan worm.
acanthocladous (adjective), more acanthociadous, most acanthociadous
A plant having thorny branches: When finding out more information about her rosebushes, Jenny found out that they all had acanthociadous or spiny stems, sprigs, or shoots.
acanthophorous, acanthopherous (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding something bearing, or having, spines: Barbara wondered if the new plant she potted was going to be acanthophorous and thorny, meaning that she would need to put on her gloves to trim it later on.
acanthopodous (adjective), more acanthopodous, most acanthopodous
In botany, relating to or designating a spiny, prickly peduncle or petiole of a plant: The acanthopodous sunflower in Mary's garden consisted of a somewhat prickly stalk with one huge yellow flower.
acanthopterous (adjective) (not comparable)
In zoology, regarding a spiny-winged animal: The flightless and small-winged cassowary, a native bird to Australia and New Guinea, is considered to be acanthopterous with stiff, keratinous quill feathers on its wings, which are like porcupine quills. It has a bony crest on its head, and can be quite dangerous.
acanthostegous (adjective), more acanthostegous, most acanthostegous
In invertebrate zoology, overlaid with two series of spines: In the TV documentary Penny watched, some acanthostegous bryozoans were characterized with having ovicell or ooecium needle-like protrusions.
acanthous (adjective), more acanthous, most acanthous
Spinous; pertaining to the form of a thorn: The acanthous or needle-like structure of the wasp or hornet can cause a dangerous sting.
acarocolous (adjective), more acarocolous, most acarocolous
A reference to mites and ticks that infest various areas in nature.
- There are several acarocolous species that are too small to be seen without the use of some form of magnifying instrument and they abound in almost every habitat where they scavenge on waste materials, prey on other tiny invertebrates, or live as parasites on many larger species of life.
- Some acarocolous mites are harmless as they exist in skin follicles, feathers, or fur; while others cause diseases or allergies.
- The acarocolous ticks are blood-suckers and spread disease-causing microbes in animals.
acarophilous (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to that which lives in union with mites: The acarophilous relationships involve the very small insects that thrive in foods, on plants, or on animals, including humans.