oto-, ot-, -otic +

(Greek: ear; relationship to the ear)

otoblennorrhea, otoblennorrhoea (British)
Any discharge of mucus from the ear.
Malformation characterized by markedly defective development of the lower jaw (micrognathia or agnathia) and the union or close approach of the ears (synotia) on the front of the neck.
A reference to a congenital anomaly characterized by a lack of a lower jaw and by ears that are united inferior to the face.
Malformation characterized by a markedly defective development of the lower jaw (micrognathia or agnathia) and the union or close approach of the ears (synotia) on the front of the neck.
Inflammation of the brain resulting from an extension of an inflamed middle ear.
The closing of the auditory tube of the ear either by a new growth or the accumulation of cerumen (ear wax).
Minute crystalline particles composed of calcite and protein and suspended in a gelatinous mass forming the membrana statoconiorum (gelatinous membrane supported by the hairs of the inner ear).
otoconium (s), otoconia (pl)
One of the minute calciferous granules within the gelatinous statoconic membrane surmounting the acoustic maculae (membrana statoconiorum macularum).
1. The portion of the petrous part of the temporal bone that houses the internal ear.
2. The petrous part and the mastoid process of the temporal bone, containing the hearing apparatus.
An auditory cyst (closed sac) or vesicle (small anatomically normal sac); one of the simple auditory organs of many invertebrates, containing a fluid and otoliths (particles of calcium carbonates); also, the embryonic vesicle from which the parts of the internal ear of vertebrates are developed.
A genus of ear mites (family Psoroptidae) consisting of a single species, Otodectes cynotis, the cause of otodectic mange in dogs, cats, and other carnivores.

The entire lifespan of this mite is spent in the ears (rarely on the body) of the host, where it feeds on epidermal debris; it can be found in the encrusted material scraped from infected ears.

otodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the ear or an earache: Judy learned that an ear infection, a sinus infection, a tooth infection, or an ear injury were just a few examples of a case of otodynia.
Encephalitis resulting from otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).
An autonomic ganglion situated inferior to the foramen ovale medial to the mandibular nerve; its postsynaptic parasympathetic fibers are secretomotor fibers distributed to the parotid gland.
A reference to something originating within the ear.

Related "ear" word families: auri-; myring-; tympano- (drum, stretched membrane).