-otic +

(Greek: a suffix that means: state or condition of; diseased condition of)

Inclined to malacia; soft; said of teeth.
1. Surrounding, or pertaining to the region surrounding, the internal ear; as, the periotic capsule.
2. A reference to certain bones or bony elements that form or help to form a protective capsule for the internal ear.
1. A reference to a functional disorder of mental origin.
2. Anyone suffering from a psychoneurosis.
1. A reference to ptosis (abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part).
2. Affected by or pertaining to ptosis.
Relating to or characteristic of a robot.

The use of robotic devices are expected to continue to spread into offices and homes, as older appliances are replaces with newer robotic equivalents. Domestic robots capable of performing many household tasks, described in science fiction stories and coveted by the public in the 1960s, are likely to be perfected in actuality.

It is anticipated that some degree of convergence between humans and robots will become a reality. Some humans already have artificial body parts and even parts of the nervous system replaced by artificial analogues; such as, pacemakers. In many cases the same technology might be used both in robotics and in medicine.

So it is that in medicine, a robotic tool is an automatic mechanical device designed to duplicate a human function without direct human operation.

A reference to the flow of saliva.
stegnosis, stegnotic
1. The closing of a passage; astringent or constipating.
2. A stoppage of any of the secretions or excretions.
3. A constriction or stenosis.
troglobitic (adjective), more troglobitic, most troglobitic
1. A reference to any creature having a cave-dwelling mode of life: Some species of bats are more troglobitic than others in terms of establishing a life cycle in caverns.
2. Descriptive of an animal living entirely in the dark parts of underground dwellings: Most troglobitic creatures have become specifically adapted for life in total darkness and over time they have evolved to develop improved senses of smell, taste, and vibration detection, while losing anatomical features that are unnecessary without light; such as, eyes and pigmentation.

1. Dry; characterized by dryness.
2. Pertaining to or characterized by xerosis.
zoonotic (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding a disease that is transmissible from animals to humans under natural condition: Infections that pass exclusively from an animal to a person is referred to as being zoonotic.

Zoonotic diseases from pets. Zoonotic Diseases or diseases from pets.

zootic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to animals other than humans: The book about zootic creatures had many fascinating reviews about animals that inhabited Joan's country, but not about the people living there.
zymotic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to, or caused by, fermentation: In biochemistry Patty learned about the zymotic effects in making alcoholic beverages.
2. Pertaining to certain contagious diseases or infections: Nancy's mother wondered where her daughter might have caught such a zymotic illness, which was evidently quite transmissible..
3. Descriptive of a contagious condition of a disease which is produced by some organism acting on the physical system like a ferment: Mrs. Smith's state of health was evidently a zymotic illness which was widespread in the area where she lived.