osmo-, osmia-, osmi-, osm-, -osmia, -osmatic (smell) +

(Greek: odor; smell, smelling)

Don't confuse this osmo- word-unit with another osmo- unit meaning "impulse, thrust".

Having or characterized by a well-developed sense of smell; a keen sense of smell.
The ability to perceive odors.
1. A substance of an aromatic flavor, obtained from the flesh of the ox.
2. A substance formerly supposed to give to soup and broth their characteristic odor, and probably consisting of one or several of the class of nitrogenous substances which are called extractives.
1. The sense of smell.
2. The act of smelling.
osmesthesia (s) (noun), osmesthesias (pl)
Olfactory sensibility; the power of perceiving and distinguishing odors: Lawrence had a finely developed sense of osmesthesia which was invaluable in his profession as a producer of perfumes.
Osmetech ™
There is a company in Britain, named Osmetech that "designs, develops and manufactures electronic gas and odor sensors (electronic noses) for use in the healthcare sector.

Osmetech's multi-sensor array based gas sensing technology screens patient samples and tests for the presence of infection-causing bacteria."

"Osmetech is currently focusing its IP development on sensors that can detect bacteria associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacterial vaginosis (BV) and pneumonia in ICU patients."

"When microorganisms metabolise, they emit volatile components which often have a characteristic smell.

Historically, microbiologists have used the smell from a culture plate to assist in the identification of organisms. It is these volatile metabolites that the Osmetech sensor array technology is designed to detect."

A gland found on many caterpillars that secretes an unpleasant smelling substance as a defense against predators.
1. The science that deals with smells and the olfactory sense.
2. The science of the sense of smell.
An abnormal condition in which sweat has a very strong odor; bromidrosis, bromhidrosis (sweat which has become foul-smelling as a result of its bacterial decomposition).
1. A deep-seated and abnormal dislike of certain odors.
2. Intolerance of certain odors.
osmoesthesia (s) (noun), osmoesthesias (pl)
1. A sensitivity to odors: Sometimes Hilda’s osmosthesia was a handicap with her volunteer work in the animal hospital.
2. The sense of smell; the ability to perceive and distinguish odors: When Sharon experiences her spring allergies, it affects her osmosthesia and she is unable to appreciate the spring flowers.
Erotic excitement derived from odors, usually of the body.
The study of odors, their production, and their effects.
1. A device for measuring the acuity of the sense of smell.
2. An instrument for testing the sense of smell; an olfactometer.
Measuring or testing the acuity of the sense of smell.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "smell, odor": arom-; brom-; odor-, odori-; olfacto-; osphresio-; ozon-.