ortho-, orth-
(Greek: right, straight, correct, true; designed to correct)
orthogonal antennas
In radar, a pair of transmitting and receiving antennas, or a single transmitting-receiving antenna, designed for the detection of a difference in polarization between the transmitted energy and the energy returned from the target.
1. In primate studies, the condition in which the body posture is upright or vertical; as, in bipedalism; especially with reference to humans.
2. Characterized by walking in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the body; walking upright.
2. Characterized by walking in a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the body; walking upright.
1. Someone who is skilled in orthography.
2. A person who spells in accordance with accepted usage.
2. A person who spells in accordance with accepted usage.
1. A reference to correct or proper spelling; spelling according to accepted usage; the way in which words are conventionally written. By extension, any mode or system of spelling.
2. Characterized by that part of grammar which deals with the nature and values of letters and of their combinations to express sounds and words; the subject of spelling.
2. Characterized by that part of grammar which deals with the nature and values of letters and of their combinations to express sounds and words; the subject of spelling.
Someone who spells words correctly.
1. A mode or system of spelling; especially, of spelling correctly or according to acceptable usage: Marissa's tutor insisted that she study orthography as part of her English studies so she could use and spell words precisely.
2. The study of spelling or of the correct spelling patterns of a particular language: Mr. Smith was the foremost researcher of orthography, traveling to numerous university libraries to check texts.
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2. The study of spelling or of the correct spelling patterns of a particular language: Mr. Smith was the foremost researcher of orthography, traveling to numerous university libraries to check texts.
In the university catalogue, orthography was listed separately from English literature and English composition courses.

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Referring to an orientation response towards sunlight.
An orientation response towards sunlight.
1. A method of improving unaided vision by shaping the cornea with contact lenses.
2. The use of special hard contact lenses to treat myopia by altering the curvature of the cornea.
2. The use of special hard contact lenses to treat myopia by altering the curvature of the cornea.
The lens presses on the center of the cornea; therefore, decreasing the protrusion.
1 The arbitrary movement of a cell, or organism, in response to a stimulus.
2. A change in the rate of random movement of an organism (kinesis) in which the rate of locomotion (linear velocity) varies with the intensity of the stimulus.
2. A change in the rate of random movement of an organism (kinesis) in which the rate of locomotion (linear velocity) varies with the intensity of the stimulus.
1. Various tactile stimulation techniques used to stimulate the proprioceptors (sensory nerve endings that give information concerning movements and position of the body) of muscles and tendons and thereby enhance motor performance in rehabilitation.
2. Referring to or having movements in one direction; as, molecules or particles.
3. The dynamic use of an orthotic device to facilitate movement of one muscle while inhibiting its antagonist, as a treatment for spasticity.
2. Referring to or having movements in one direction; as, molecules or particles.
3. The dynamic use of an orthotic device to facilitate movement of one muscle while inhibiting its antagonist, as a treatment for spasticity.
A gene in two or more species that has evolved from a common ancestor.
Someone who speaks correctly or who makes the correct use of words.
orthology (s) (noun)
1. The right verbal description of things: Jewel's careful orthology describing the ocean beach made her vacation experience more vivid and real for her mother.
2. Correct speaking or the right use of words: Mark's parents insisted that he should make sure that he uses orthology whenever he is talking or writing essays and letters.
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2. Correct speaking or the right use of words: Mark's parents insisted that he should make sure that he uses orthology whenever he is talking or writing essays and letters.

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Relating to the correction of limb (arm and leg) deformities.