anti-, ant-
(Greek: against, opposed to, preventive; used as a prefix)
Don't confuse this anti- ("against, preventive") with the anti- which means "before".
anticyclonic (adjective), more anticyclonic, most anticyclonic
A reference to an area of high pressure around which winds blow in a clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere.
antidemoniac (adjective), more antidemoniac, most antidemoniac
Regarding anything effective against evil spirits: Jane decided to plan an antidemoniac protest march to contend against evil supernatural beings that some people still believed in.
1. A political belief that was opposed to the separation of a religious group, or church, from a state or its authority: Antidisestablishmentarianism was the view held by those who were opposed to disconnecting the Anglican church from the civil government, or to refer to the division of church and state in England in the 19th century.
2. The word is especially noted for its unusual length: Antidisestablishmentarianism is one of the longest words in the English language and consists of twenty-eight letters and twelve syllables!
2. The word is especially noted for its unusual length: Antidisestablishmentarianism is one of the longest words in the English language and consists of twenty-eight letters and twelve syllables!
Relating to or acting as an antidote or referring to an agent that relieves or counteracts.
1. A remedy, remedies, or other agents used to neutralize or to counteract the effects of a poison: The doctor at the clinic administered an antidote for the child who was bitten by a snake.
2. An agent that relieves or counteracts: James found that jogging for an hour a day was the perfect antidote for the stresses of his job.
3. Etymology: from Greek antidoton, and from Latin antidotum; from anti-, "against" + didonai, "to give".

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2. An agent that relieves or counteracts: James found that jogging for an hour a day was the perfect antidote for the stresses of his job.
3. Etymology: from Greek antidoton, and from Latin antidotum; from anti-, "against" + didonai, "to give".

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An attitude that stands in contradiction to a nation's accepted and recognised social, economic, and political principles of society: Antiestablishmentarianism involves those who are opposed to the existing societal and legislative structures of their government or social community.
1. A drug or other agent that reduces fever.
2. That which has the quality of abating fever.
3. Opposing or tending to cure fever.
2. That which has the quality of abating fever.
3. Opposing or tending to cure fever.
anti-feminist, antifeminist; anti-feminism, antifeminism
1. Anyone who is opposed to women or to feminism (advocacy of the rights of women; based on the theory of equality of the sexes); a person (usually a man) who is hostile to sexual equality or to the advocacy of women's rights.
2. Of, pertaining to, someone who is against the idea of the equality of the sexes or any of various beliefs antagonistic to feminism and a belief in the superiority of men over women.
2. Of, pertaining to, someone who is against the idea of the equality of the sexes or any of various beliefs antagonistic to feminism and a belief in the superiority of men over women.