-orium, -oria, -ory
(Latin: a suffix; a place or instrument for performing the action of the main element; a place used for something)
amatory (adjective), more amatory, most amatory
Relating to, or expressive of love, particularly physical or sexual love: Mary was missing her husband's amatory attention and affection because he was either working in his office or gone on his many job-related trips to other countries.
ambulatory (adjective), more ambulatory, most ambulatory
1. Pertaining to, or capable of walking: The plan for the exploration of the city was for those ambulatory tourists who liked to stroll from one part to another one.
2. Adapted for walking, as the limbs of many animals: Some sea creatures are ambulatory, moving from place to place seeking better feeding grounds.
3. Moving around or from place to place; not stationary: The physiotherapist was helping the patients become more ambulatory in their goal to become more independent.
4. Not confined to bed; able or strong enough to walk: Glenda was an ambulatory patient who could go home instead of having to stay in a hospital bed.
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2. Adapted for walking, as the limbs of many animals: Some sea creatures are ambulatory, moving from place to place seeking better feeding grounds.
3. Moving around or from place to place; not stationary: The physiotherapist was helping the patients become more ambulatory in their goal to become more independent.
4. Not confined to bed; able or strong enough to walk: Glenda was an ambulatory patient who could go home instead of having to stay in a hospital bed.
An ambulatory health service is for people who are not required to be hospitalized because they are not physically handicapped and so they are able to proceed on foot in a normal way.
5. In law, not fixed; alterable or revocable: Mark left an ambulatory will for his daughter in case something were to happen to her and she couldn't be available to benefit from it.

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1. The part of a theater designed to accommodate an audience: The people wanting to see the movie sat in the auditorium and were told not to disturb others by talking loudly or eating chips.
2. A large room to accommodate an audience in a building: The public school had a large auditorium for the parents to sit and watch the play put on by the students.
3. A large building for public meetings or performances: The city had a large public auditorium for authors to present and read passages from their books, for artists to present their paintings, or for concerts to take place.
4. Etymology: from Latin auditorium, "lecture room"; literally, "a place where something is heard"; neuter of auditorius, "of" or "for hearing"; from auditor, "a listener"; from audire, "to hear".
2. A large room to accommodate an audience in a building: The public school had a large auditorium for the parents to sit and watch the play put on by the students.
3. A large building for public meetings or performances: The city had a large public auditorium for authors to present and read passages from their books, for artists to present their paintings, or for concerts to take place.
4. Etymology: from Latin auditorium, "lecture room"; literally, "a place where something is heard"; neuter of auditorius, "of" or "for hearing"; from auditor, "a listener"; from audire, "to hear".
An auditorium can also describe an entire theater, and has been in use as a word since the 18th century, although there were other words with the same meaning before that.
Belonging to a bath.
benedictory (adjective), more benedictory, most benedictory
1. Characteristic of expressing, or giving, a prayer asking for God's blessing: At the close of the convention Mr. Duncan, the president, called upon the pastor, Mr. Duplantie, to give the closing benedictory thanks for the successful convention.
2. Referring to, or in the form of, a blessing: The benedictory remarks at the funeral seemed to please those who were attending, including the family members.
3. Etymology: from Latin benedictio; from benedicere, "to bless".
2. Referring to, or in the form of, a blessing: The benedictory remarks at the funeral seemed to please those who were attending, including the family members.
3. Etymology: from Latin benedictio; from benedicere, "to bless".
circumambulatory (adjective), more circumambulatory, most circumambulatory
Descriptive of the capability of walking or travelling all over: Shawn was planning on a circumambulatory trip through the country.
Eve usually went to the cemetery where her parents were buried and the circumambulatory stroll brought back memories of the past when they all lived together.
A building and/or furnace where dead bodies are incinerated.
1. A building that has a furnace for burning dead bodies; such as, a crematorium.
2. A place or establishment used for cremation; specifically, a mortuary for the incineration or cremation of corpses.
2. A place or establishment used for cremation; specifically, a mortuary for the incineration or cremation of corpses.

This mortuary is providing people with a choice of having their family members cremated in either the "Smoking" or the "No Smoking" section of the crematory; as if that would make any difference.
1. Covered places in which people can walk: Fortunately, the visitors to the cloister, or monastery, were able to walk around under the numerous deambulatories during the rain.
2. Walking around from place to place; wandering.
2. Walking around from place to place; wandering.