ord-, ordinato-, -ordin-, -ordinate, -ordinating, -ordinated
(Latin: order, in order; in a row, regular series, class, rank)
The number indicating the place, location, or designation of a number in a sequence: When judging a contest, the judges must determine the ordinal positions of the winning contestants; such as, First Place; Second Place; Third Place, etc.
A regulation, a guideline, an edict, or a law determining how something should be done or controlled: There is a city ordinance regulating dogs in the parks by requiring them to wear muzzles to prevent them from snapping or biting people or getting into fights with other canines.
ordinarily (adverb) (not comparable)
Relating to an action, a decision, etc. that is done habitually or in a manner that is normal: Alison wanted to go to the Farmers' Market early on Saturday, although ordinarily she would sleep in and go shopping after lunch.
ordinary (adjective), more ordinary, most ordinary
Characteristic of something or someone who is relatively undistinguished and average: The actress had an ordinary face; however, the make up department could create whatever kind of character she was playing on stage.
ordinate (adjective), more ordinate, most ordinate
Descriptive of tidy and neat rows: The ordinate arrangement of the dots on the wings of the butterfly was a clue to the kind Jeff had seen in the garden.
ordinate (verb), ordinates; ordinated; ordinating
To consecrate an individual to a ministerial position in his religious organization: The archbishop will be ordinating the local pastor, John Hayes, to the position of bishop at the next service.
The naming of an individual to a specific role within a religious institution: Adam's family was attending his ordination as an assistant pastor in their church.
1. Equipment or supplies used by the military: During World War I, horses were considered a common ordnance for the army troops.
2. Etymology: "an authoritative direction, decree, or command"; from Medieval Latin ordinantia, from Latin ordinantem; present participle of ordinare, "to put in order".
2. Etymology: "an authoritative direction, decree, or command"; from Medieval Latin ordinantia, from Latin ordinantem; present participle of ordinare, "to put in order".
"In the early 14th century, it had changed to "arrangement in ranks or rows"; especially, "in order of battle"; also, "warlike provisions, equipment".
preordain (verb), preordains; preordained; preordaining
To make or to determine that something is to be done in advance of an action: Catherine was such a romantic person that she preordained that her meeting of a young man on a cruise ship was the beginning of a life long relationship.
Something that is determined or decreed in advance of other events: The fortune teller at the local fair was convinced of the preordination of Kelly's engagement with a teacher at the local school.
1. A musical instrument, typically wood, that is held in a vertical position and played by blowing air through it and covering finger holes in the tube of the instrument to produce different sounds: Kirsten was learning to play the recorder after she decided playing the flute was too difficult.
2. A person whose job is to write official data about things that need to be available for current or future reference: Carol is the official recorder for the local housing advocacy committee meetings and in addition to taking hand written notes, she uses an electrically operated machine to be sure she accurately gets all the information from meetings.
2. A person whose job is to write official data about things that need to be available for current or future reference: Carol is the official recorder for the local housing advocacy committee meetings and in addition to taking hand written notes, she uses an electrically operated machine to be sure she accurately gets all the information from meetings.
An associate worker who functions at the direction of those exercising authority: The police commander told his subordinate to guard the door of the bank during the investigation of the robbery.
subordinate (adjective), more subordinate, most subordinate
1. Descriptive of someone who is in a position or rank that has less power or authority than another person: All subordinate military personnel are required to salute their superior officers.
2. Less important than something or someone else: In some places, the welfare of the workers is often of subordinate concerns as related to their supervisors or owners of the companies.

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2. Less important than something or someone else: In some places, the welfare of the workers is often of subordinate concerns as related to their supervisors or owners of the companies.

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subordinate (verb), subordinates; subordinated; subordinating
To grade, to rank, or to place something or someone in a less important position than others: In some educational systems; because of financial shortages, the emphasis is on science, math, or other academic subjects; so, some school officials feel compelled to subordinate art, music, sports, etc. as extra curricular activities.
subordinately (adverb), more subordinately, most subordinately
Descriptive of the manner in which an individual or object is placed in a rank of less importance than another: After her interview for the senior position at the school library, Helena was subordinately informed that she would be the library clerk.