ora-, or-, orat-; os- +
(Latin: oris, mouth, face; opening, entrance; talk, speak, say)
1. To make a speech, especially a public, formal, or ceremonial speech.
2. To speak in a pompous, or boring way, or for an inappropriately long time.
2. To speak in a pompous, or boring way, or for an inappropriately long time.
1. A speech, lecture, or other instance of formal or ceremonial public speaking.
2. A speech that is considered pompous, boring, or inappropriately long.
3. An academic speech that is designed to show the speaker's rhetorical skills, especially a speech given as an exercise in public speaking, often in a public speaking contest.
2. A speech that is considered pompous, boring, or inappropriately long.
3. An academic speech that is designed to show the speaker's rhetorical skills, especially a speech given as an exercise in public speaking, often in a public speaking contest.
1. A person who delivers a speech or oration.
2. Someone who gives speeches; especially, somebody skilled in giving formal, ceremonial, or persuasive public addresses.
2. Someone who gives speeches; especially, somebody skilled in giving formal, ceremonial, or persuasive public addresses.
Like, or characteristic of, oratory or an orator.
1. A place for prayers.
2. A small chapel; especially, for private worship.
2. A small chapel; especially, for private worship.
1. The art of speaking in public with style, cogency, and grace.
2. Eloquence in public speaking; especially, of the kind that shows the speaker's rhetorical skills.
2. Eloquence in public speaking; especially, of the kind that shows the speaker's rhetorical skills.
1. A woman who delivers an oration.
2. A female public speaker; especially, one of great eloquence.
2. A female public speaker; especially, one of great eloquence.
1. An aperture, or hole, opening into a bodily cavity.
2. The entrance, or outlet, of any body cavity.
3. An opening, especially the mouth, anus, vagina, or other opening into a cavity or passage in the body.
2. The entrance, or outlet, of any body cavity.
3. An opening, especially the mouth, anus, vagina, or other opening into a cavity or passage in the body.
An archaic term for "a prayer".
osculant (adjective), more osculant, most osculant
1. Meeting, kissing, and clinging to another person.
2. A reference to a close embrace or long kiss.
3. Adhering closely; embracing; applied to certain creeping animals; such as, caterpillars.
4. Intermediate in character, or on the border, between two genera, groups, families, etc, of animals or plants, and partaking somewhat of the characters of each, thus forming a connecting link.
2. A reference to a close embrace or long kiss.
3. Adhering closely; embracing; applied to certain creeping animals; such as, caterpillars.
4. Intermediate in character, or on the border, between two genera, groups, families, etc, of animals or plants, and partaking somewhat of the characters of each, thus forming a connecting link.
A dread of kissing or being kissed: After learning about different diseases that can be passed on from one person to another, Grace developed osculaphobia because she was terribly afraid of catching an illness when caressing someone with her lips.
oscular (adjective), more oscular, most oscular
Relating to the mouth or activities of the mouth: such as, the lips of two people touching each others lips together: There was an oscular stimulation as Jack and Jill embraced and kissed each other.
osculate (verb), osculates; osculated; osculating
1. To touch with the lips by pressing them against another person's lips or to kiss another part of the body as an expression of love, greeting, etc.: The newly married couple osculated each other when they were pronounced "husband and wife".

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Little Patrick's grandmother always osculates him on the forehead when she comes to visit his family.
2. From Latin osculari, from osculum, "kiss"; literally, "little mouth" diminutive of os, "mouth".
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The act of touching each others lips together.
2. In mathematics, a contact, as between two curves or surfaces, at three or more common points.
2. In mathematics, a contact, as between two curves or surfaces, at three or more common points.
A person who kisses very often: Congressman Peterson is a politician who is known as an inveterate osculator of babies on their cheeks."
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;
A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract, tube": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; concho-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; sphinctero-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-; ventricul-.