ophthalmo-, ophthalm-, -ophthalmia, -ophthalmic, -ophthalmos

(Greek: eye; sight)

1. A developmental anomaly (absence or deformity) consisting of complete absence of the eyes or presence of only rudimentary eyes.
2. Absence of the eye, or eyes, as a result of a congenital malformation (birth defect) of the eye globe.

Anophthalmia refers, strictly speaking, to absence of the globe and ocular tissue from the orbit, or the bony cavity in which the eyeball sits together with its associated muscles, blood vessels, and nerves.

arteria ophthalmica
Artery (blood vessel) originating from the internal carotid artery (key artery located in the front of the neck that carries blood from the heart to the brain) and distributing to the eye, orbit, and adjacent facial structures.
auto-ophthalmoscope, autophthalmoscope
An ophthalmoscope with which an examiner may view his/her own eyes.
The examination of the interior of one's own eye.
A binocular (simultaneous use by both eyes) device for viewing the ocular fundus (bottom or base of the eye).
calyculus ophthalmicus
An optic cup, formed by invagination of the optic bulb and developing into the retina.
cryptophthalmos (s) (noun), usually no plural
Congenital absence of eyelids, with the skin passing continuously from the forehead onto the cheek over a rudimentary or non-functional eye: The cryptophthalmos is classified into three types: complete, incomplete and abortive.

Cryptophthalmos usually occurs on both sides and occurs in association with several other malformations collectively referred to as Fraser syndrome.

direct ophthalmoscope (s) (noun), direct ophthalmoscopes (pl)
An device that is designed to visualize the interior of the eye, with the instrument relatively close to the subject's eye and the observer viewing an upright magnified image: In order to give the Sarah the best advice regarding her macular degeneration, the eye doctor used a direct ophthalmoscope in a darkened room to examine the retina and macula of the eye.
A group of Crustacea (large class of arthropods including lobsters, crabs, shrimp, wood lice, water fleas, and barnacles) in which the eyes are without stalks.
1. Inflammation of the ocular cavities and their adjacent structures.
2. Inflammation of the ocular cavities, caused by infection, trauma, or allergic reaction.
Recession of the eyeball into the eye orbit.
The protrusion (extending forward) of the eyeball so that the eyelids will not cover it because of the result of a disease; for example, hyperthyroidism, or an injury.
1. Protrusion of the eyeball from the socket.
2. Characterized by the prominence of the eyeballs.
exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia
Ophthalmoplegia (paralysis of the ocular muscles) with protrusion of the eyeballs due to increased water content of orbital tissues incidental to thyroid disorders, usually hyperthyroidism.
An instrument used to measure the distance between the anterior (front) pole of the eye and a fixed reference point, often the zygomatic bone (quadrilateral bone which forms the prominence of the cheek).

Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.