onomato-, onoma-, onomo-, onom-, ono-
(Greek: name, word)
An imitative word; an onomatopoetic word.
onomatopeoically, onomatiopeoically, onomatopoetically
A descriptive adverb term for the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it; such as, buzz, hiss, etc.
1. The formation of words in imitation of sounds; a figure of speech in which the sound of a word is imitative of the sound of the thing which the word represents: The buzz of bees, the hiss of a goose, the crackle of fire, the bow-wow of a dog, and the ring, ring, ring of a bell are all examples of onomatopoeias.
2. Etymology: from Late Latin, which came from Greek onomatopoiia, "the making of a name or word" (in imitation of a sound associated with the thing being named); from onomatopoios, from onoma (genitive form of onomatos), "word, name" + a derivative of poiein, "to compose, to make"; resulting in "the making of names", "to compose a word or words", and "coining or creating words".

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2. Etymology: from Late Latin, which came from Greek onomatopoiia, "the making of a name or word" (in imitation of a sound associated with the thing being named); from onomatopoios, from onoma (genitive form of onomatos), "word, name" + a derivative of poiein, "to compose, to make"; resulting in "the making of names", "to compose a word or words", and "coining or creating words".

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1. Imitative of the sound associated with the thing or action denoted by a word.
2. The formation or use of words; such as, buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to; such as, "Onomatopoeic words imitate or express the sounds of noises."
2. The formation or use of words; such as, buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to; such as, "Onomatopoeic words imitate or express the sounds of noises."
A reference to a word that is formed in imitation of a natural sound or words which are imitative of noises.
1. Of or relating to or characterized by onomatopoeia.
2: A reference to words that are formed in imitation of natural sounds.
2: A reference to words that are formed in imitation of natural sounds.
1. The making of a name or word, especially to express or imitate a natural sound; such as, hiss, crash, boom.
2. In psychiatry, the tendency to make new words of this type is said to characterize some people with schizophrenia.
2. In psychiatry, the tendency to make new words of this type is said to characterize some people with schizophrenia.
1. In grammar and rhetoric, a figure in which words are formed to resemble the sound made by the thing signified; such as, to buzz, as bees; to crackle, as burning thorns or brush.
2. A word whose sound corresponds to the sound of the thing signified.
2. A word whose sound corresponds to the sound of the thing signified.
It has been maintained by some philologists that all primary words, especially names, were formed by imitation of natural sounds.
Bearing or referring to an author's name.
1. A humorous clowning around with words or wordplay: Rose liked to use paronomasias that manipulate the sounds and double meanings of terms or verbal expressions..
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A "pun" is a synonym of paronomasia in that both of them are short and clever remarks often followed by long groans.
2. Etymology: via Latin from Greek paronomasia, from para-, "beside" + onomasia, "naming" which came from Greek onomazein, "to name"; from onoma, "a name".

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You may also see other related paronomasia cartoons that present humorous deviations in this paradox link entry by clicking on it.
paronomasial (par" uh noh MAY zhuhl, par" uh noh MAY zhee uhl) (adjective), more paronomasial, most paronomasial
paronomastic (par" uh noh MAS tik) (adjective), more paronomastic, most paronomastic
paronomastically (par" uh MAS ti kall li) (adverb), more paronomastically, most paronomastically
The study of the origin of personal names; especially, from the father.
Related "name" units: nom-; -onym.
Related "word, words" units: etym-; legi-; lexico-; locu-; logo-; -onym; verbo-.
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