ommat-, ommato- +

(Greek: eye)

A group of Pulmonifera having the eyes at the base of the tentacles, including the common pond snails.
ommateal (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the compound eyes in some insects and crustaceans: Adult insects, like butterflies, flies, and dragon flies, possess ommateal eyes that provide them with extreme good eyesight.
ommateum (s), ommatidia (pl)
A compound eye, as of insects and crustaceans.
ommatophobia, ommetaphobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An exaggerated fear of eyes: When John's mother went blind, it was very traumatic for him and his family and it changed the family's everyday life completely causing John to have ommatophobia, and he was terrified when other people described their own illnesses regarding vision.
A movable stalk ending with an eye, as found in certain snails.
Having many eyes.
Stylommatophora, Stylommatophorous
A suborder of the order Pulmonata which includes land snails and slugs and many freshwater snails.

Families of medical importance include Helicellidae, Helicidae, and Pupillidae.