odori-, odor-, odoro-
(Latin: smell, odor)
cacodorous (adjective), more cacodorous, most cacodorous
Pertaining to something or someone who has a bad odor: No one wanted Dermot on the track and field team because of his cacodorous feet which made the dressing room stink when he took his shoes off.
Cucumis melo inodorus
Any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell.
deodorant, deodorous
A substance or preparation that destroys the odor of fetid effluvia, etc.; a deodorizer.
1. The removal of a bad odor or smell or to neutralize or absorb an odor.
2. To make more acceptable, as by the elimination or the suppression of some offensive aspect.
2. To make more acceptable, as by the elimination or the suppression of some offensive aspect.
deodorize (verb), deodorize; deodorized; deodorizing
To reduce an odor; especially, of offensive or bad odors: Marilyn had her carpet cleaned and deodorized after her cat messed it up by urinating on it one day.
Something that deordorizes; a deordorizing agent.
inodorous, inodorousness
1. Destitute of odor; without smell or scent; oderless.
2. Having no smell or odor.
2. Having no smell or odor.
Smelling unpleasant or nasty: The malodor of the polluted beach was so stinking and offensive that it drove visitors away from the resort.
malodorous (adjective), more malodorous, most malodorous
Relating to having a terribly bad stink: The malodorous sewage ditch through the city was so abominable that the health inspectors demanded that it be cleaned up and closed so no one could go near it.
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malodorously (adverb), more malodorously, most malodorously
Referring to how something emits a bad or a very foul stench: The malodorously repugnant smell that came from the sewer was the result of the ancient drainage system that needed to be rebuilt.
The attribute of having disgusting odors that range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive: It didn't take long for the malodorousness of the decaying fish for them to be dumped into a hole and covered with dirt.
odor, odour (British spelling)
1. That property of a substance that is perceptible by the sense of smell; scent, smell; sometimes, specifically, sweet or pleasing scent; fragrance.
2. A substance that emits a sweet smell or scent; a perfume; especially, incense, spice, ointment, etc.; also, an odoriferous flower.
3. A smell or scent, whether pleasant or unpleasant.
2. A substance that emits a sweet smell or scent; a perfume; especially, incense, spice, ointment, etc.; also, an odoriferous flower.
3. A smell or scent, whether pleasant or unpleasant.
1. That which emits a scent.
2. Something that gives a characteristic smell to a product.
2. Something that gives a characteristic smell to a product.
odoriferous (adjective), more odoriferous, most odoriferous
1. Descriptive of something that bears, or diffuses, a scent or a smell: Anything that produces an odoriferous fragrance is rarely anything that has an unpleasant odor.
2. Giving off a pleasing scent: Mary's odoriferous spices were ingredients that provided more pleasure when eating her meals.
2. Giving off a pleasing scent: Mary's odoriferous spices were ingredients that provided more pleasure when eating her meals.
Frequently a misused term, that has historically had positive connotations in the sense of "fragrant": Mary had an odoriferous rose garden.
The rose is a highly odoriferous flower.
However, another dictionary defined odoriferous as, "Having or giving off a smell; especially, an unpleasant or distinctive one".
"There was an odoriferous pile of fish remains."
So, make your choice. Odoriferous is either a pleasant odor or and unpleasant odor!
An instrument for measuring the intensity of odors.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "smell, odor": arom-; brom-; olfacto-; osmo-; osphresio-; ozon-.
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