oculo-, ocul- +

(Latin: eye[s]; sight)

ad oculus (Latin)
To the eyes.

Before one's eyes: Grace couldn't believe her daughter's fantastic report card until she confirmed it ad oculus!

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus; a tergo nostra sunt. (Latin phrase)
Another's faults are before our eyes; our own [faults] are behind us.

Expressed by Seneca, in his writing titled, On Anger.

1. A solid bony branched horn found in pairs on the head of an animal, especially a male, of the deer family, including caribou and elk. Antlers are shed each year.
2. Etymology: from Anglo-French auntiler, from Old French antoillier; possibly from Vulgar Latin anteoculare; literally, "horn growing before the eyes" ("in front of the eyes") from Latin ante, "before" + ocularis, "of the eyes".
1. A secondary infection originating from a focus of infection already present in the body.
2. Spread of a disease from one part of the body to another part.
3. Inoculation with organisms already present in or on the body; self-inoculation.
4. Injection of an autovaccine.

Autoinoculation is a procedure in which cells are removed from a person's body, treated or medically changed, and then placed back into the body. This procedure is done to help prevent an immune reaction.

Autoinoculation can also refer to the movement of microorganisms from one location of the body to another.

A dioptric telescope, fitted with two tubes joining, so as to enable a person to view an object with both eyes at once; a double-barreled field glass or an opera glass.
1. With both eyes, as in binocular vision.
2. With two eyepieces, as in a binocular microscope.
3. Involving or using both eyes, or relating to vision using both eyes.

As stated above, binoculars are field glasses adapted to the use of both eyes, in contrast with the telescope, which is a monocular instrument.

binocularly, binocularity
1. Relating to, used by, or involving both eyes at the same time; such as, binocular vision.
2. Having two eyes arranged to produce stereoscopic vision.

An optical device, such as a pair of field glasses or opera glasses, designed for simultaneous use by both eyes and consisting of two small telescopes joined with a single focusing device.

The two eyes regarded as a functional unit.
A reference to the cerebrum (main portion of the brain) and the eye.
circumocular (adjective), more circumocular, mostcircumocular
A reference to the area surrounding the eye.
dextrocular, dextrocularity
1. Indicating right ocular dominance.
2. A reference to someone who prefers the right eye in monocular work; such as, microscopy.
3. Favoring the right eye, rather than the left eye, by habit or for effective vision; antonym, sinistrocular.
electrooculography, electro-oculography
1. Oculography in which electrodes placed on the skin adjacent to the eyes measure changes in standing potential between the front and back of the eyeball as the eyes move.
2. A sensitive electrical test for detection of retinal pigment epithelium dysfunction.
3. The study and interpretation of electroencephalograms made by moving the eyes a constant distance between two fixed points.
4. The recording and interpretation of the voltages which go with eye movements.

Eye-position voltages from electrodes placed on the skin near the eye are amplified and applied to a strip-chart recorder.

exoculate, exoculation
1. To deprive of eyes; to be eyeless.
2. Blindness.
Situated below the eyes; such as, the antenna of certain insects.
inoculable (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Regarding a disease that can be treated by a vaccine: People all over the world are hoping that the coronavirus will be inoculable by the middle of the following year.
2. Relating to a disease transmitted by a vaccination: When injected into an individual, the inoculable bacteria should cause or create immunity, but not the illness itself.
3. Referring to that which can be used in an injection: The medicament was considered to be inoculable and was used to treat patients by giving them a dose in the form of an injection.

Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.