nul-, null-, nulli- +
(Latin: not one, not any, none, nothing)
Another version is, "A jack-of-all-trades, master of none." A description of someone who may have several general skills, or areas of knowledge, but who is not an expert in any of them.
2. To make or to declare void or invalid; such as, a marriage or a law: The couple’s wedlock was annulled, or revoked, just after two months.

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2. A court procedure that dissolves a marriage and treats it as if it never happened.
The most common reason for anyone to want an annulment instead of a divorce is for religious reasons.
Annulments are usually rare since the advent of "no-fault divorce" but it may be obtained in most states in America for one of the following reasons: misrepresentation, concealment; for example, of an addiction or criminal record, and the refusal to consummate the marriage.
3. A mental process or mechanism by which unpleasant or painful ideas are abolished from the mind of a psychiatric patient.Such patients render as nonexistent, certain specific events or ideas which have been painful or disagreeable to them.
In annulment, painful experiences are said to be shifted into daydreams; while in repression, the painful experiences may be eliminated from consciousness and pushed into the unconscious, after which they may reappear in dreams or as symptoms.
A variant translation is, "To many, fortune gives too much, to none [does she give], enough." In other words, most people feel that they are never given too much.
Fortune is never satisfied with hurting a man just once.
Ovid's thought in Ars Amatoria: "We don't want what we can't see."
Belonging to no person; such as, a treasure-trove and wreck were anciently considered.
A Masterpiece, second to none, The best; Therefore, I am!
The grammatical structure is not correct: Magnus should be Magnum, secundus should be secundum and optimus should be optimum.
This was a hand-lettered sign in George E. Ohr's pottery shop (BILOLXI ART POTTERY) in Biloxi, Mississippi (1895-1905).
Ohr made pottery that featured rims that had been crumpled like the edges of a burlap bag and pitchers that seemed deliberately twisted and vases warped as if melted in the kiln.
The colors of his works exploded with color; vivid reds juxtaposed with gunmetal grays, olive greens splattered across bright oranges, and royal blues mottled on mustard yellows and he created fantastic shapes glazed with wild colors in his "Pot-Ohr-E".
Ohr once said, "I am the apostle of individuality, the brother of the human race, but I must be myself and I want every vase of mine to be itself."
In 1909, claiming he hadn't sold even one of his mud babies in more than 25 years, Ohr closed his shop.
Although he was just 52, he never threw another pot. When he inherited a comfortable sum after his parents died, he devoted the rest of his life to enhancing his reputation as a "looney".
Still confident that the time would come when his work would be recognized, Ohr died of throat cancer at the age of 60 in 1918. Now, the same pots scorned a century ago sell from $20,000 to $60,000 each. Today, Ohr is hailed as a "clay prophet" and "the Picasso of art pottery."
Motto of Henry II, The Saint, (1002-1024) of Germany. He was considered prudent and powerful in his endeavors. He restored the lost reputation of the German-Roman realm and was an eager promoter of a reform movement started by the church.
In 1007; at an Imperial Diet in Franfurt, in the course of the Christianization of the territories on the upper Main, he founded the bishopric of Bamberg, which earned him the name "the Saint". He, and his wife Kunigunde, were buried there. In 1146, Henry II was canonized followed by Kunigunde in 1200.
2. Of no consequence, effect, or value; insignificant, and relating to or equal to zero.
3. Amounting to nothing; being absent or nonexistent: "Her efforts had a null result."
4. Etymology: from Middle French (about 1400 to about 1600 A.D.) nul, from Latin nullus, "not any, none"; from ne-, "not, no" + illus, "any".
2. Having no force, binding power, or validity.
3. Invalid, unenforceable, having no legal force or effect.
4. Without value, effect, consequence, or significance.
5. Being or amounting to nothing; nil; lacking; nonexistent.
This is essentially the reader's blind spot. It is a phenomenon common to UHF systems.
Another translation: "You have to keep at it." A reference by Pliny to the Greek painter, Apelles, who apparently was steadfast in practicing his art.
If a law didn't exist before a specific action was committed, one can't be sentenced to prison for that activity.