nov-, novo-, novi-
(Latin: new, recent)
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
Author Unknown
Anyone who is beginning or learning an activity and has acquired little skill in it: In competitive games, or sports, etc.: Andrew was a runner who was a novice and who had not won an award yet.
novilunar (adjective) (no comparatives)
A reference to a new moon that has been waxing for a month.
1. Anyone who is a novice or beginner; especially, in a religious order.
2. The part of a monastery where novices live.
2. The part of a monastery where novices live.
That which is highly toxic to humans and is sometimes used as an antimicrobial drug in some serious cases of staphylococcic and urinary tract infection: Tim's doctor gave him a subscription to pick up some novobiocin from a drug store to aid in healing his urine pains.
An instrument formerly used for auscultatory (ear) percussion.
A passion for combining Latin and Greek roots and affixes in new ways.
Novus ordo seclorum. (Latin motto)
Translation: "A new order of the ages [is born], a new world order, a new order of the ages [is created]."
Adapted from Vergil, this motto appears on the Great Seal of the United States and it is Yale University's founding slogan.
Also see annuit coeptis.
Quid novi? (Latin question)
Translation: "What's new?"
renovatable (adjective), more renovatable, most renovatable
Relating to something that can be made like new again: There are many renovatable things that exist; including various vehicles, furniture, houses, streets and roads, etc.
renovate (verb), renovates; renovated; renovating
1. To bring something; such as, a building, back to a former or better condition by means of repairs, redecoration, or remodeling: The contractors wanted to renovate the hotel by repairing and improving its style and efficiency for customers.
2. To refurbish something and to make it new or to restore its usefulness: Virginia spent her time on the weekend trying to renovate and freshen up an old oak bench on her balcony.
3. To give new vigor to someone or something: By taking the pills that the doctor suggested and by going to the fitness studio, Brian tried to renovate his health and alertness.

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2. To refurbish something and to make it new or to restore its usefulness: Virginia spent her time on the weekend trying to renovate and freshen up an old oak bench on her balcony.
3. To give new vigor to someone or something: By taking the pills that the doctor suggested and by going to the fitness studio, Brian tried to renovate his health and alertness.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
renovated (adjective), more renovated, most renovated
1. Pertaining to something that has been repaired and improved; especially, a building.
2. A reference to anything that has been torn down and rebuilt; usually, into a new structure.
2. A reference to anything that has been torn down and rebuilt; usually, into a new structure.
1. The act of improving by renewing and restoring.
2. The state of having something restored to its former good condition.
2. The state of having something restored to its former good condition.
renovative (adjective), more renovative, most renovative
1. Referring to restoring something by remodeling it back to an original condition before it was damaged: Pete was a specialist in making renovative items for people who still wanted to keep them instead of throwing them away.
2. Etymology: from Latin renovatum, "made new"; re-, "again" + novus, "new".
2. Etymology: from Latin renovatum, "made new"; re-, "again" + novus, "new".
Someone who makes something like new again by restoring it to good condition: As a renovator, John's father made a living by repairing furniture which had been damaged so the owners would be able to use them again instead of having to throw them into a dump.
New power, new energy.
Cross references of word families related to: "new, recent": cen-, ceno-; ne-, neo-.
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