nocti-, noct-, nox

(Latin: night)

1. A reference to a state of equal day and night.
2. The period or point of the equinox.
3. The celestial equator: so called because, when the sun is on it, the nights and days are of equal length in all parts of the world.
Equinox; (the original form in which the word was adopted).
Either of the two annual crossings of the equator by the sun, once in each direction, when the length of day and night are approximately equal everywhere on earth.

The equinoxes occur around March 21 and September 23.

noctalbuminuria (s) (noun) (no pl)
Existence of protein only in night urine: Noctalbuminuria describes the presence of excessive amounts of albumin in the urine secreted during the hours of darkness.
noctambulate (verb), noctambulates; noctambulated; noctambulating
To walk or to perform an activity as if awake at night but while asleep.
noctambulation (s) (noun), noctambulations (pl)
The act or an instance of walking or performing another activity associated with wakefulness while asleep or in a sleep like situation.
noctambulator (s) (noun); noctambulators (pl)
Someone who primarily walks, or eats, or performs other motor activities while asleep and which the person does not remember having done after waking up.
noctambulous (adjective), more noctambulous, most noctambulous
A reference to someone who walks at night or who walks around while asleep at night.
Consisting of a night and a day.
noctifer, noctiferous
A bringer of night or darkness; the evening star.
noctiluca (s) (noun), noctilucas (pl)
1. A plankton of large, spherical, reddish protozoa that produce glowing brightness: When present in large groups, the noctilucas make the sea appear luminous or sparkling at night.
2. Any marine animalcule that produces a phosphorescent appearance in the sea: Sailing off the west coast of the continent, Jimmy and the sailors noticed a considerable variety of noctiluca floating in the water.
3. Etymology: from New Latin Noctiluca, genus name; from Latin noctiluca, "lantern, moon"; from nocti-, "night" + lucere, "to shine".
The light-giving substance in phosphorescent animalcules.
1. A reference to bioluminescent organisms that emit radiance during darkness.
2. Shining by night; as with a noctilucent cloud, a cloud of a kind that occasionally is seen at night in the summer in high latitudes, which occurs in the mesopause (atmosphere) and which some authorities believe is composed purely of cosmic dust and others of ice condensed around cosmic dust particles.
3. Designating or of a luminous cloud of unknown composition, visible at night in the polar regions at an altitude of around 50 miles.
The light-giving substance in phosphorescent animalcules.
Shining at night, phosphorescent.

Other related "dark; shadow, shade; black" units: lygo-; melan-; nigri-; nycti-; scoto-; skio-; umbra-.

Another related "night" unit: nycti-.