ne-, neo-

(Greek: new, recent, current, young)

neomalthusianism, malthusianism
A doctrine which advocates birth control, abortion, and sterilization, together or separately, in order to curb population growth.

Based on the theory that population increases faster than food supplies and is checked only by famine, disease, and war. Named for Thomas Robert Malthus, an English political economist, 1766-1834.

A new, or false, membrane.
1. The time of the new moon.
2. The beginning of the month in the lunar calendar.
The stereotypical repetition of gestures, or movements, that are senseless to an observer and meaningful only to the one who is performing the expressed actions.
A type of recrystallizaton in which the mineral constituents of a rock are transformed into entirely new minerals.
neomnesia (s) (noun) (no plural)
A good memory for events of the recent past: Ted certainly possessed neomnesia when he studied for the test only the day before and got 100% on it!
1. A structure, part, or organ developed independently; that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a formally existing form.
2. A new formation or development that is not inherited from a similar structure in an ancestor.
3. An entirely new feature or characteristic that has recently appeared in the course of evolutionary development.
1. A newly acquired bodily organ or part.
2. In biology, the development of a new form.
Regeneration in cases where the new part is unlike anything in the body.
Newly dead or recently died.
A corpse immediately after death.
An antibiotic with a wide range of effectiveness.

Source: the bacterium Streptomyces fradiae. Use: treatment of skin, eye, and intestinal infections.

1. A colorless, odorless gaseous element that occurs in very small quantities in the air and glows orange when electricity is passed through it.
2. Lighting produced by neon lights, or by lamps, containing similar gases; such as, argon or krypton.
3. Etymology: coined by W. Ramsay and M. Travers in 1898, from Greek neon, from neos, "new"; so called because it was "newly discovered".
neonatal (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning the first 28 days after the birth of a child; newborn: In the neonatal intensive care unit of the hospital, preterm babies were under special observation because of neonatal disorders.
neonate (s) (noun), neonates (pl)
A newborn infant up to one month of age: Dr. Thompson referred to Jane's daughter as a neonate, but Jane only wanted to say a "tiny baby"!

Cross references of word families related to: "new, recent": cen-, ceno-; nov-, novo-.