nemo-, nem-
(Greek: wooded pasture, glade; grove; woods, forest)
nemocole (verb), nemocoles; nemocoled; nemocoling: woods
Living or dwelling in open woodland.
nemocolous (adjective), more nemocolous, most nemocolous
A reference to living in open woodlands.
nemophilic (adjective), more nemophilic, most nemophilic
Descriptive of an individual who has a fondness for groves or small woods: Ted's neighbor certainly was a nemophilic individual who spent all of his free time either going on picnics in the forest or camping for weeks in the woodland area not too far from his home.
A person who has a special love of groves of trees: Rupert is a confirmed nemophilist and has purchased a farm with a section of birch trees on it so he can wander peacefully among them.
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nemophilous (adjective), more nemophilous, most nemophilous
Pertaining to a love of forests or groves: Mr. Pearson had a special nemophilous interest in woodland life and spent many hours walking and observing the wildlife in the woods.
A fondness for groves or trees: Mr. Hathaway's wife said that he had a case of nemophily because not only did he do a lot of research on forest life, but also took long walks in the woods every weekend.
nemoricoline (adjective), more nemoricoline, most nemoricoline
A reference to a tendency of creatures that live among trees.
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