nasc-, nat-
(Latin: born, birth)
innately (adverb), more innately, most innately
Regarding how something happens or is done in a natural manner: Jane innately laughed when she heard the funny joke.
A condition that is natural or inborn: Ted's innateness as an author started when he was a child by keeping a journal of his daily activities.
1. An individual who represents his country in a certain sport: In the book Jeffrey was reading, Chuck was the youngest international who played in the famous golf tournament.
2. A game or competition between teams playing for different countries in a sport: The famous event presented rugby internationals as well as Olympic soccer matches.
2. A game or competition between teams playing for different countries in a sport: The famous event presented rugby internationals as well as Olympic soccer matches.
international (adjective), more international, most international
1. Relating to, or involving two or more countries: An international commission or an international cooperation are two examples Joan found in her dictionary regarding this adjective.
2. A reference to extending across or transcending the boundaries of nations: The tennis champion had international fame.
2. A reference to extending across or transcending the boundaries of nations: The tennis champion had international fame.
The adjective international mostly pertains to something such as a company, a language, or an organization that involves more than a single country.
Multiple countries working together on common issues: Internationalism can be a political movement that advocates greater economic and political cooperation among nations.
1. A person who believes that different countries should help and be amiable with each other: The opinions of the internationalists printed in the newspaper column were read by all of the residents in the town.
2. A specialist in the laws and relations of foreign countries: Jim's neighbour is an internationalist who works primarily for the nations of the Far East.
2. A specialist in the laws and relations of foreign countries: Jim's neighbour is an internationalist who works primarily for the nations of the Far East.
The process of bringing something under the control of certain countries: Internationalization of the music world was promoted and brought on a convergence of musicians from all over the world, some of whom came from far-away nations.
internationalize (verb), internationalizes; internationalized; internationalizing
1. To make global or cosmopolitan: In the book, Mr. Hathaway wanted to internationalize the concept and creation of governing institutions and democratic systems.
2. To put a place under the security of two or more countries: At the end of the war, the large city was internationalized by different nations in order to protect the citizens.
2. To put a place under the security of two or more countries: At the end of the war, the large city was internationalized by different nations in order to protect the citizens.
internationally (adverb), more internationally, most internationally
Pertaining to how something is done or achieved in a global way; throughout the world: Lynn thought that Hercule Poirot was the internationally famous detective in Agatha Christie's stories.
intranatal (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding the circumstances of a baby during birth: That night a terrible intranatal accident occurred in the hospital when the newborn baby died.
naive (nigh EVE, nah EEV) (adjective), more naive, most naive
1. Unsophisticated, innocent, guileless, childlike: Bonita's big eyes and naive questions made everyone feel protective toward her.
2. Credulous, gullible, unsuspecting: Eve was told not to be so naive as to be taken in by the lies of the next-door neighbor.
3. Etymology: Naive and naiveté (nigh" eev TAY, nigh EE vi tay") come from French naif, "natural, inborn", which comes from Latin nasci, "to be born". The same Latin word has provided English with native and nation.

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2. Credulous, gullible, unsuspecting: Eve was told not to be so naive as to be taken in by the lies of the next-door neighbor.
3. Etymology: Naive and naiveté (nigh" eev TAY, nigh EE vi tay") come from French naif, "natural, inborn", which comes from Latin nasci, "to be born". The same Latin word has provided English with native and nation.

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naively (adverb), more naively, most naively
1. Referring to how someone is marked by unaffected simplicity; innocently: Grace thought naively that her new job would be only a ten-to-five job, but in reality it turned ut to be an eight-to-six job!
2. Pertaining to how an action or an individual shows a deficit in wisdom, knowledge, or judgment: Peggy naively believed the person speaking on the phone was her nephew asking for some money.
2. Pertaining to how an action or an individual shows a deficit in wisdom, knowledge, or judgment: Peggy naively believed the person speaking on the phone was her nephew asking for some money.
1. A coming into being; birth: The nascence of the new school was celebrated with teachers, administration, and students with their parents.
2. The event of being born: Jane only knew from her parents what her own nascence was like!
2. The event of being born: Jane only knew from her parents what her own nascence was like!
The beginning of a process or organization showing indications of good possibilities for the future: By lowering taxes on goods for consumers the government hoped people would buy more, and that the economy would improve and present nascency for the time to come.
nascent (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Regarding the beginning process of emerging, being born, coming into existence, or starting to develop: Roy started to work as a computer programmer in his nascent profession right after he had graduated from the university's technical department.

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Sarina is now starting her nascent career as a singer.
2. Etymology: from Latin nasci, "to be born".

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Related "birth, born, childbirth, offspring" words: abort-; feto-; lochio-; proli-; toco-, toko-.