narco-, narc-, -narcotic, narcotico-, -narcosis, -narcoticism

(Greek: numbness, dullness; sleep, stupor, torpor; benumb, deaden)

narcoleptic (adjective), more narcoleptic, most narcoleptic
A reference to a sleep inducing drug.
narcoma (s) (noun); narcomas, narcomata (pl)
A daze or unconsciousness where a person isn't speaking or thinking clearly that is caused by hypnotic or narcotic drugs.
narcomancy (s) (noun), narcomancies (pl)
Fortune-telling with the aid of sleep: Narcomancy has been known to include the use of opium, or other drugs, to see how it effects sleep, which is then interpreted.
narcomania (s) (noun), narcomanias (pl)
1. A morbid desire to gain relief from painful stimuli; usually, through some pharmacological agent; such as, morphine, opium, etc.), but also occasionally through psychic measures involving hypnosis.
2. An uncontrollable craving for narcotic drugs.
narcomaniac (s) (noun), narcomaniacs (pl)
Someone who suffers from an uncontrollable craving for a drug that produces drowsiness or deep sleep during normal waking hours.
narcomatous (adjective), more narcomatous, most narcomatous
Pertaining to, inducing, or affected by near unconsciousness that is produced by using drugs.
narcose (s) (noun), narcoses (pl)
In a state of stupor; insensibility, numbness, or dullness.
narcosis (s) (noun), narcoses (pl)
General and nonspecific reversible depression of neuronal excitability, produced by a number of physical and chemical agents, usually resulting in stupor rather than in anesthesia.
narcosomania (s) (noun), narcosomanias (pl)
An insane craving for an unconsciousness that is produced by a drug.
narcospasm (s) (noun), narcospasms (pl)
Spasm that is accompanied by stupor; a state of reduced or suspended sensibility or a condition of mental numbness.
narcostimulant (s) (noun), narcostimulants (pl)
An agent with both narcotic and stimulant properties.
narcotherapy (s) (noun), narcotherapies (pl)
1. A psychological treatment which i conducted with the patient under the influence of a sedative or narcotic.
2. In psychotherapy, the use of intravenous barbiturates to enhance relaxation, to facilitate communication, and to render the person more responsive to the suggestions of the therapist.

In any particular narcotherapeutic session, the focus may be on reassurance (narcohypnosis), on uncovering repressed material (narcoanalysis), on encouraging expression of repressed affects (narcocatharsis), on eliciting data for later assimilation (narcosynthesis), or on obtaining data to provide more adequate evaluation (narcodiagnosis).

narcotic (s) (noun), narcotics (pl)
1. Any drug, synthetic or naturally occurring, with effects similar to those of opium and opium derivatives, including meperidine and fentanyl and its derivatives.
2. Drugs that can relieve severe pain but which are also sleep-inducing and usually highly addictive.
narcotic poisoning (s) (noun), narcotic poisonings (pl)
A condition or a process in which an organism becomes chemically harmed by a toxic substance or venom of an animal: A narcotic poisoning can be caused by sleep-producing drugs; such as, opium and its derivatives.
narcoticoirritant (s) (noun), narcoticoirritants (pl)
Substances and preparations that induce drowsiness.

Related "sleep" units: dorm-; hypno-; letho-; oneiro- (dream); somni-; sopor-.