myx-, myxo- +

(Greek: slime, mucus; used often in biomedical nomenclature)

myxoglobulosis (s) (noun), myxoglobuloses (pl)
An uncommon disorder of the appendix: Myxoglobulosis is a cystic condition of the appendix marked by the presence of globoid bodies of mucinous character in the cysts.

Myxoglobulosis is a variaty of the more commonly perceived mucocele.

Resembling mucus or having the consistency and appearance of mucus.

A reference especially of a connective tissue with a high content of mucoproteins and mucopolysaccharides.

A lipoma (Abenign tumor composed chiefly of fat cells) with myxoid (mucus-like) components.
A benign tumor, most often found in the heart, composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.
A benign tumor of connective tissue containing jellylike (mucus) material.
A simple organism that forms a small slimy amoeboid mass; such as, on fallen logs, and produces spore-bearing reproductive organs similar to those of a fungus.
A class of fungi containing the slime molds, which occur on rotting vegetation but are not pathogenic for humans.
A reference to, or pertaining to, a slime mold.

A class of peculiar organisms, the slime molds, formerly regarded as animals, Mycetozoa; but now generally thought to be plants and often separated as a distinct phylum, Myxophyta; essentially equivalent to the division Myxomycota.

They are found on damp earth and decaying vegetable matter, and consist of naked masses of protoplasm, often of considerable size, which creep very slowly over the surface and ingest solid food.

1. A tumor composed of mucous and nerve tissue elements.
2. A neurilemoma, meningioma, or glioma in which the stroma is myxomatous (gelatinous or mucus tissue) in nature.
1. Myxoma (benign tumor composed of primitive connective tissue cells) combined with papilloma.
2. A benign neoplasm of epithelial tissue in which the stroma resembles primitive mesenchymal tissue.
The production of mucus.
1. A copious mucous discharge.
2. Rarely used term for any mucous discharge, especially from the urethra or vagina. Synonym: blennorrhea.
myxorrhea gastrica
Excessive mucous secretion in the stomach.
myxorrhea intestinalis
Excessive secretion of mucus from the bowels.
A sarcoma characterized by immature, relatively undifferentiated cells that grow rapidly and invade extensively, resulting in tissue that resembles primitive mesenchymal tissue.