infectious myringitis
An infectious disorder of the eardrum resulting in painful blisters on the surface of the tympanic membrane (eardrum).
laser myringotomy
A new laser procedure for treatment of serous otitis by creating a small hole in the tympanic membrane (myringotomy) without the insertion of ventilation tubes.
The opening allows for drainage and endoscopic evaluation of the middle ear space which remains open for several weeks, followed by spontaneous and complete healing of the tympanic membrane.
The procedure may be done in a physician's office under local anesthesia on patients age six years or older.
1. The membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound.
2. The tympanic membrane, or the obliquely placed, thin membranous partition between the external acoustic meatus and the tympanic cavity.
The myringa constitutes the boundary between the external and middle ear; it is a trilaminar membrane covered with skin on its external surface, mucosa in its internal surface, is covered on both surfaces with epithelium, and, in the tense part, has an intermediate layer of outer radial and inner circular collagen fibers.
The surgical removal of the eardrum.
Inflammation of the eardrum usually as a result of infection.
myringodectomy, myringectomy
The excision of the tympanic membrane of the ear.
Tympanum or the drum of the ear, the eardrum, the tympanic membrane. The tympanum resembles the head of a tiny drum and it separates the middle ear from the external ear.
Inflammation of the meatal (natural passage or canal), or outer surface of the eardrum membrane, and the adjoining skin of the external auditory canal.
myringomycosis, mycomyringitis
Indicating an inflammation of the membrana tympani (eardrum) caused by the presence of Aspergillus or other fungus.
Surgical restoration, or repair, of a perforated tympanic membrane (eardrum) with a tissue graft.
(s), myringoruptures
(pl) (nouns)
A rarely used term for "rupture of the tympanic membrane (eardrum)".
A special instrument for viewing the eardrum.
A technique of tympanoplasty in which the drum membrane, or grafted drum membrane, is brought into a functional connection with the stapes (one of three ossicles, or small bones, of the middle ear).
A surgical knife for use in operating on the membrana tympani (eardrum).
1. A surgical incision into the eardrum (to relieve pressure or to release pus from the middle ear).
2. A surgically placed tiny incision in the eardrum.
Any fluid behind the eardrum can then drain and usually thickened secretions can be removed. A small plastic ear tube (a tympanostomy tube) is often inserted into the eardrum to keep the middle ear aerated for a prolonged period of time.
Related "ear" word families:
tympano- (drum, stretched membrane).