musico-, music- +

(Greek: mousike [techne] > Latin: musica, music; originally an art of the Muses)

Pertaining to the Muses, especially the Muses of lyric poetry and song. From Muse plusicos, meaning "the art of combining sounds in sequence so as to produce aesthetic pleasure in the listener".

music video
A promotional film for popular music; especially, a rock song.

Music videos started to be widely broadcast on television in the early 1980's.

Music, Poetry, Prophecy, Truth, Medicine, Light; Earlier, the Sun: Apollo, Apollo
Greek: Apollo; (god)
Latin: Apollo (god, also called Phoebus Apollo)

The god of the sun, music, poetry, and medicine. Symbols: The lyre (a musical instrument resembling a harp), arrows, and the sun chariot.

musica ficta, musica falsa
1. The introduction by a performer of sharps, flats , or other accidentals to avoid unacceptable intervals.
2. The use of chromatically altered tones (the use of all 12 tones, especially for heightened expressivity) in the contrapuntal music of the 10th to the 16th centuries or medieval and Renaissance music.


musical box
A small box which plays a tune when the lid is opened.
musical chairs
A party game in which players compete for a decreasing number of chairs, the losers in successive rounds being those who are unable to find a chair to sit on each time the music which is being played stops playing.
musical comedy
A light play or film with songs, dialogue, and dancing.
musical director
The person who is responsible for the musical aspects of a performance or production; typically, the conductor or leader of a music group.
musical glasses
A series of glass bowls, drinking glasses, or tubes played as a musical instrument by rubbing them with the fingers.
musical saw
A saw, typically held between the knees and played with a bow like a cello, the note changing with the degree of bending of the blade by the performer.
musical, musicale
musical (MYOO zi kuhl) (adjective)
1. Relating to a tuneful or harmonious sound; relating to talent to produce such a sound: Trudy showed a keen musical interest as a child and grew up to play the piano very well.
2. A theatrical production characterized by both song and spoken word: Lynn's favorite musical is My fair Lady based on the play by George Bernard Shaw in which Elisa Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl, takes speech lessons and rises to the status of a real lady.
musicale (myoo zi KAL) (noun)
A social get-together during which song and instrumental compositions are performed: Clarence and Deanna attended the musicale at the home of Jillian's aunt so they could listen to the string quartet.

One of Rosette's favorite musical pieces is from a famous rendition that her music instructor played at the musicale gatherings at her home.

musicalize, musicalise
To set or to adapt a novel, play, poem, etc. to music.
1. A musician of mediocre capacity.
2. An incompetent or inferior musician.
1. Someone who composes, conducts, or performs music; especially, instrumental music.
2. A person who shows a degree of ability as a performer on an instrument or voice or in composition.

Such a person may have had formal training in music but does not necessarily pursue music as a vocation.

A reference to someone who has outstanding musical skills and presentations.
Caused by music; especially, epileptic convulsions.