(Latin: wall)
A strong high fortification of a castle or fortress that has turrets for defense of the entrance: The castle had a trench with an antemural structure that could help those inside protect themselves from attackers.
extramural (adjective), more extramural, most extramural
1. A reference to something that is located beyond the boundaries of a town, a learning institution (college, university, etc.), or other organization: Susan and the other students were doing some extramural research about biological ecology.
2. Pertaining to anything that is additional to one's work or course of study and normally not connected with it: Jim and Mark were active in extramural sports while they were attending the university.
2. Pertaining to anything that is additional to one's work or course of study and normally not connected with it: Jim and Mark were active in extramural sports while they were attending the university.
immure (verb), immures; immured; immuring
1. To enclose or to confine someone against his or her will: Diana's brother was immured in jail for driving while intoxicated.
2. To close in something or to surround it with a wall: Where he was living in an isolated forest area, Brian's house and garden were immured for privacy and safety against intruders.
3. Etymology: directly from or via French emmurer; from Latin immurare, "to wall in"; from in, "in" + murus, "wall".

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2. To close in something or to surround it with a wall: Where he was living in an isolated forest area, Brian's house and garden were immured for privacy and safety against intruders.
3. Etymology: directly from or via French emmurer; from Latin immurare, "to wall in"; from in, "in" + murus, "wall".

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Imprisonment or incarceration; usually for a long time: Giles, the criminal, was sentenced to immurement for the rest of his life for killing a family of six by burning their house down while they were asleep at night.
intra muros. (IN-trah MOO-rohs) (Latin phrase)
Translation: "Within the walls."
In ancient times, sturdy barriers were built on the perimeters of cities to protect their inhabitants against invasions, and the day-to-day lives of the cities were conducted intra muros.
intramural (adjective), more intramural, most intramural
1. Referring to something that takes place within an educational establishment: Jan's son was participating regularly in intramural swimming at his college.
2. Pertaining to part of normal educational studies or activities that exist or occur within that particular group or organization: Jane and the other students in Karl's college were taking part in intramural competitions against each other instead of against those in other colleges or universities in their city.
2. Pertaining to part of normal educational studies or activities that exist or occur within that particular group or organization: Jane and the other students in Karl's college were taking part in intramural competitions against each other instead of against those in other colleges or universities in their city.
mural (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to a painting or other work of art that is produced directly on the sides of buildings: The two brothers, Jake and Joel, often sneaked out at night to create mural examples that expressed their fondness for beautiful floral designs on the sides of some public buildings.
A large painting or decoration which is usually done directly on the surface of a building or other structure: Leon, Abby and Audrey from the art school got together and painted colorful murals on the brick wall separating part of their college from the local city street.
A person, or people, who paint on flat surfaces or solid partitions: Some muralists expose their artistic talents to pubic criticism by painting on the sides of buildings which were not meant to have such exhibitions.
murally (adverb), more murally, most murally
Characteristic of a work of art that is executed directly on flat solid dividers, or walls: Gerald and other people have a passion to murally express themselves on structures that serve as enclosures around old buildings or parking lots.
mure (verb), mures; mured; muring
1. To confine or to restrict: Sam was mured in jail for speeding and making it necessary for the police to chase him before he finally stopped.
2. Etymology: from French murer which came from Latin murus, "wall".
2. Etymology: from French murer which came from Latin murus, "wall".
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