muco-, muc-, muci-, mucin- +
(Latin: mucus, mucous, or mucosa; a viscid, slippery, slime secretion of the mucous membranes; related to mucor, "mold, moldiness")
1. The accumulation of mucus in a sac or a cavity; for example, enlargement of the lacrinal sac.
2. Distension with mucus of a mucous membrane-lined organ or compartment of the body (for example, the gallbladder, appendix, frontal sinus) as the result of acquired atresia (absence of a normal opening or failure of a structure to be tubular) of its duct or lumen (channel within a tube).
3. A cystic disease of the air cavities of the cranial bones causing erosion of the bone.
2. Distension with mucus of a mucous membrane-lined organ or compartment of the body (for example, the gallbladder, appendix, frontal sinus) as the result of acquired atresia (absence of a normal opening or failure of a structure to be tubular) of its duct or lumen (channel within a tube).
3. A cystic disease of the air cavities of the cranial bones causing erosion of the bone.
Pertaining to, or affecting, the mucus membrane and hairs (including eyelashes and nose hair); including, mucociliary clearing or the clearance of mucus by ciliary movement (particularly in the respiratory system).
1. The surgical removal, or destruction, of the inner lining of any hollow organ.
2. Denudation (stripping off covering) of any mucous surface.
2. Denudation (stripping off covering) of any mucous surface.
mucocolitis, mucous colitis
An affection of the mucous membrane of the colon characterized by colicky pain, or resembling the pain of colic, constipation, or diarrhea (sometimes alternating), and passage of mucous or slimy pseudomembranous shreds and patches.
The accumulation of mucus in the vagina.
mucocutaneous, cutaneomucosal
1. A reference to, or involving, the mucous membrane and skin.
2. Referring to the skin and mucous membranes, and to the line where these join.
2. Referring to the skin and mucous membranes, and to the line where these join.
A saclike extension below the pellicle of certain ciliates with a mucoid content that is expelled upon stimulation to form a protective covering.
The mucocyst originates in the endoplasm (the inner, more fluid layer of cytoplasm in a cell).
The layer of connective tissue underlying the epithelium (covering surfaces) of a mucous membrane.
Referring to the mucoderm, or the layer of connective tissue underlying the epithelium (covering surfaces) of a mucous membrane.
Inflammation of intestinal mucosa.
Showing characteristics of both a mucus-secreting and an epidermal cell type of epithelial structure.
A bridge of the distal esophagus as a consequence of variceal sclerosis (abnormally hardening of an enlarged or twisted blood vessel or lymphatic vessel).
Relating to a colloidal suspension in which mucus constitutes the semisolid phase.
mucogelatinous (adjective), more mucogelatinous, most mucogelatinous
Descriptive of something that contains or resembles mucus and gelatin: A mucogelatinous matter exhibits a viscous, thick, and typically slippery texture.
A glycoprotein (molecule that consists of a carbohydrate, sugars and starches, plus a protein), or mucoprotein (complex protein found in mucous secretions): Mucoglobulin consists of globulin, a protein component.