mor-, mora-
(Latin: custom, habit, manner)
A maxim by Ovid: "Pursuits done with constant and careful attention become habits."
2. Not concerned with honest or good behavior: As the CEO of the company, Diana was accused of working in a cynical and amoral way of competing for more sales and greater profits.
2. To corrupt in a moral sense; to debauch: Some parents are very anxious that R-rated movies might demoralize their children with the result that they would lose their awareness of what is right and what is wrong.

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Obviously "moral inturpitude" is used by some people, but moral turpitude is the correct word to use when anyone wants to refer to "a vile, shameful, base person," or "a depraved act".
The following quotes were found in various places on the internet indicating that these people consider "moral inturpitude" as an acceptable usage
"Only a person of limited intelligence could misinterpret his words, or a person of moral inturpitude twist his words in such a disgusting manner to suit such low purpose."
"Establish license requirements for owners, operators, and employees to insure moral inturpitude in order to protect against sexually related crimes."
"I can see how moral inturpitude if in a trial that tells the truth or a history of violent crimes etc., could be a reason to restrict or monitor access, however I feel that closing the borders isn't the way to go."
"Then in the episode that aired on 2/29/06, they made a quip about a father being able to marry his own son in Massachusetts – alluding to the perceived moral inturpitude of the state allowing same-sex marriages.
". . . if you couldn't trust him the universe would implode as he is a mathematical constant, a pillar of moral inturpitude and friendship."
2. A quality of dishonesty or other immorality that is determined by a court to be present in the commission of a criminal offense; a crime involving moral turpitude.
3. Crimes involving moral turpitude have an inherent quality of baseness, vileness, or depravity with respect to a person's duty to another or to society in general. Examples include rape, forgery, robbery, and solicitation by prostitutes.
These laws are usually applicable only to United States law
Many jurisdictions impose penalties, such as deportation of aliens and disbarment of attorneys, following convictions of crimes involving moral turpitude.
Whether a criminal offense involves moral turpitude is an important determination in deportation, disbarment, and other disciplinary hearings.
Past crimes involving moral turpitude usually may also be introduced as evidence to impeach testimony. Theft, perjury, vice crimes, bigamy, and rape have generally been found to involve moral turpitude, while liquor law violations and disorderly conduct generally have not.
Legal definitions
A term of frequent occurrence in statutes, especially those providing that a witness' conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude may be shown as tending to impeach his credibility.
In general, it means neither more nor less than "turpitude"; that is, anything done contrary to justice, honesty, modesty, or good morals.
It is also commonly defined as an act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellow man or to society in general; contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and man.
Although a vague term, it implies something immoral in itself, regardless of its being punishable by law. Thus excluding unintentional wrong, or an improper act done without unlawful or improper intent.
It is also said to be restricted to the gravest offenses, consisting of felonies, infamous crimes, and those that are malum in se ("wrong in itself" or "inherently and essentially evil") and disclose a depraved mind.