micro-, micr-
(Greek: small, tiny; also, a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements)
One millionth part of [something]; in the metric system: 10-6 [0.000 001].
micracoustic, microacoustic (adjective), more micracoustic, most micracoustic; more microacoustic, most microacoustic
A reference to an instrument that can be used to magnify small sounds so they can be heard: There are micracoustic, or microacoustic, devices which can make otherwise impossible sounds audible.
An anaerobe that can tolerate or that requires only a low oxygen content: A microaerophil is a bacterium that needs some oxygen and grows in an environment with moderate atmospheric conditions.
A suspension in the air of minute particles: Microaerosol elements range from 1-10 mcm in diameter, are of uniform size, and can easily pass in and out of the respiratory tract.
An instrument for determining the amount of gases dissolved in the blood: When Clint had a physical check-up, his doctor used a microaerotonometer to assess the quantity of gases absorbed or dissolved in his blood.
Sensory-nerve endings in Mollusca, such as squid, cuttlefish, and octopi that are thought to be tactile (for touching): Molluscas have a varied range of body structures, but biologists know that they have micraesthetes which they use for sensing their environmental contacts.
Any micro-organism; especially, a bacterium. Also: a micro-organism.
microbiological (adjective)
Someone who specializes in the science of microbiology or the science concerned with micro-organisms.
The science concerned with tiny organisms; including, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, and viruses.
A microbe.
Destruction or lysis of micro-organisms by a phage.
A fanatical distress or fear of microbes and bacteria: Mrs. Clean always had her home immaculately clean and tidy because she was afraid of germs and bugs, and because she suffered from microbiophobia, she washed her laundry every day!
1. Microscopic soil organisms not visible with the aid of a hand lens (magnifier).
2. Flora and fauna composed of microscopical organisms.
2. Flora and fauna composed of microscopical organisms.