meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre

(Greek: measure)

An instrument for measuring the distance covered in walking; also, pedometer.
An instrument for measuring the force of a river current.
potentiometer (s) (noun), potentiometers (pl)
1. An instrument for measuring an unknown voltage by comparison to a standard voltage: The electrician used a potentiometer to assess the voltage that had been used in the old villa.

A potentiometer is a device that measures electromotive force or potential difference by comparing a part of the voltage to be measured against a known electromotive force.
2. A three-terminal resistor with an adjustable center connection: A potentiometer is widely used for volume control in radio and television receivers.

An instrument used to determine the rate of a leafy plant's transpiration by measuring water uptake. Potometers are said to be notoriously difficult to set up because air bubbles in the xylem of the plant or in the apparatus itself can prevent the setup from working properly.
A system of determining the rate of a leafy plant's transpiration by measuring its water uptake.
psychochronometry (s) (noun) (no pl)
The research of mental processes in relation to their timing and duration: In his medical studies Tony thought that he would take a course in psychochronometry in order to learn more about the human brain and its cognitive performances.
A measurement of the speed of mental action.
1. A device for determining changes in the electrical resistance of the skin in response to emotional stimuli.
2. Any electrical circuit designed to measure the psychogalvanic response.

The reading of the degree of change in skin resistance, that is, changes in sweat gland secretion, detected by a sensitive galvanometer may be made directly and visually, or a permanent registration of the psychogalvanic response can be made by means of an ink trace or photographic recording.

That branch of psychology centering on the study of various mental measurements, making use of psychological tests designed to reflect differences among individuals on one or more of the several dimensions of mental ability; such as, intelligence, aptitudes, interests, manual abilities, special abilities, or disabilities.

It includes the devising or standardization of various tests and the development or application of statistical techniques that are particularly appropriate for the analysis of mental test data.

1. The measurement of psychological variables; such as, intelligence, aptitude, behavior, and emotional reactions.
2. The discipline pertaining to psychological and mental testing, and to any quantitative analysis of an individual's psychological traits or attitudes or mental processes.
psychrometer (s) (noun), psychrometers (pl)
A device for measuring app the humidity of the atmosphere by the difference in temperature between two thermometers: A psychrometer keeps the bulb of one thermometer to stay moist, the other one dry. Evaporation from the moist bulb lowers the reading of that thermometer and the greater the difference in readings, the drier the air. No difference indicates 100% relative humidity.
psychrometry (s) (noun), psychrometries (pl)
The study of the physical laws that influence air and water mixture: In the science of psychrometry, the calculation of relative humidity and water vapor pressures from wet and dry bulb temperatures and barometric pressure; whereas relative humidity is the value ordinarily employed, the vapor pressure is the measurement of physiological significance.
pulsimeter (s) (noun), pulsimeters (pl)
1. An instrument for indicating and registering the frequency, force, and variations of the pulse.
2. An instrument which, when applied over a blood artery, graphically indicates the movement or type of pulse.

Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: mens-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.