meta-, met-, meth-
(Greek: after, behind, beyond; changed in form, altered; higher [used to designate a higher degree of a branch of science])
A variety of applications that include the following:
- later, behind; as in: metaphase, metathorax
- beyond, transcending, encompassing; as in: metagalaxy, metalanguage
- change, transformation; as in: metaplasia
- higher, more developed; as in: metaxylem
- used in chemical names; as in: metaphosphate
Undue, or abnormal, growth of the extremities resulting in deformity: In the fairy tale that Jenny was reading, there were strange and funny creatures, like people who were all affected with acrometagnesis with distorted hands and feet.
In petrology, metamorphism accompanied by addition or removal of material: Allochemical metamorphism refers to the process of the alteration of bulk chemical composition of a rock.
The transformation of the structure of aqueous vapor, moisture, or steam in the air: The atmometamorphism of the steam arising into the air from the pot on the stove was fascinating and showed interesting shapes before disappearing completely from view.
Apparent shortness of toes or fingers resulting from shortness or hypoplasia of the metacarpals or metatarsals.
A reference to the toes and the metatarsus.
The developmental absence of one or more metacarpal bones.
A developmental absence of one or more metatarsal bones.
1. Loss of weight resulting from persistent vomiting.
2. Atrophy or wasting due to persistent vomiting.
2. Atrophy or wasting due to persistent vomiting.
Eumetazoa (pl) (noun)
A taxon erected to contain all metazoa except Porifera: The sponges and wormlike mesozoans are excluded from the taxonomic category of Eumetazoa which comprises all other animals.
"Porifera" is that phylum of the animal kingdom which contains the sponges.
In general they consist of aggregates of cells, mostly choanocytes, which often line canals and chambers usually supported by a skeleton of fibers or spicules.
heterometabolic (adjective) (not comparable)
In biology, relating to an insect having a pattern of development exhibiting an incomplete metamorphosis: Heterometabolic arthropods go through undeveloped or partial metamorphosis in which the nymph is basically like the adult but without the pupal stage.
The development of a tissue foreign to the segment where it is formed: Heterometaplasia describes the tissue transformation resulting in the development of tissue from cells that normally produce a different type of tissue.
Heterometaplasia is the growth of tissue into a variety foreign to the part where it is produced.