
(Latin: a suffix; result of, means of, act of; place of action)

The suffix -meant is a final word element derived through Middle English and French from the Latin suffix -ment(um), originally used to form agent and action nouns from verbs, now used to form nouns and denominative verbs in several related senses:

  1. "An action, process, or skill" denoted by the combining root: rearmament, tournament, management.
  2. "A result, object, or agent of an action" named by the joining root: entombment, enthrallment, agreement.
  3. "The means or instrument of an action": implement, medicament, reinforcement.
  4. "The place of an action" named by the first root: battlement, ambushment, settlement.
  5. "A state or condition" specified by the first root: bewilderment, predicament, bereavement.

The verb combinations show no change in basic form: cement, compliment, lament.

Principal parts: -menting, -mented, -mented.

Related forms: -mentum (singular); -menta, -menti, -ments (plurals).

1. A rearrangement in the financial structure of a corporation; usually, less drastic than a reorganization.
2. A second, or subsequent adjustment; that is, a small change, a minor correction, or a modification.
regiment (s) (noun), regiments (pl)
1. A rule concerning a rigid discipline, order, and systematization of something: Dr. Edwards told Jane that a diet was necessary for her health, and that she would have to keep up the regiment for at least two months.
2. A military unit: A regiment usually consists of two or three battalions of ground troops divided into smaller companies or troops under the command of a colonel.
3. A large number of individuals: In the big kitchen in the department store delicious meals were being prepared for the regiment of starving customers who would arrive around 12:00 for a break in shopping.
4. Etymology: "government, rule, control"; from Old French regiment, "government, rule", from Late Latin regimentum, "rule, direction"; from Latin regimen, "rule, guidance, government"; all of which came from regere, "to rule".
reinstatement (s) (noun), reinstatements (pl)
The case of reviving something to its former state: The citizens of the town wanted to go swimming in their public swimming pool, which had been repaired the year before, and demanded its reinstatement!
1. The act of giving up and abandoning a struggle or s task, etc.
2. A verbal act of renouncing a claim, or a right, or a position, etc.
3. To retire from; to give up or to abandon.
4. To put aside or desist from (something practiced, professed, or intended).
5. To let go; to surrender.
6. To cease holding physically; to release: "He finally had to relinquish his grip."
renouncement (s) (noun), renouncements (pl)
An action that results in someone refusing to do something of importance: Edward's renouncement of his appointment to the Board of Directors was upsetting his father.
repayment (s) (noun), repayments (pl)
1. Payment of a debt or obligation.
2. The act of returning money received previously.
requirement (s) (noun), requirements (pl)
1. Something that is needed for a particular purpose: The passport application had a requirement that a current photograph be provided.
2. Anything that is obligatory or demanded: Basic language skills were requirements for the new job in the translation services.
sediment (s) (noun), sediments (pl)
1. Matter or insoluble material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs.
2. Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice to other locations.
sentiment (s) (noun), sentiments (pl)
1. An idea, opinion, or attitude based on feelings or emotions more than with reason: A good politician should understand public sentiment which involves the opinions that are held by most people.
2. A feeling of sympathy, kindness, love, etc.: Bridget looks forward to seeing movies that have warmth and sentiment in them and avoids the violent and cruel ones.
statement (s) (noun), statements (pl)
1. Oral or written information presented in a definite and formal manner: The mayor's statement presented in the newspaper was exactly the opposite of what he promised to accomplish during his term in office.
2. The official account regarding an occurrence that a witness gives to the police: Mrs. Hathaway had to go to the law enforcement agency to make her statement or account regarding the accident she had seen.
3. A written document from a bank showing a list of fees and charges: Jack received a statement from his financial institution the previous week and was happy that he still had money left to spend for Christmas presents!
4. The musical idea or motive within a composition: The sonata Mildred was practicing had a very intricate statement as the theme and she had to practice many hours to get it perfect.
5. An expression of belief that is made by an appearance or behavior: The very old and majestic grandfather clock that Nancy has in her living room certainly makes a statement about comfort and long-lasting values that somehow are hard to find in the present day.
temperament (s) (noun), temperaments (pl)
1. The manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting which is characteristic of a specific person, such as a nervous disposition: Janet had a very optimistic temperament, or mood, and sang while she was in the shower after she had slept well and it was the weekend!
2. Excessive irritability or sensitiveness: Henry was an actor with extreme irritability or temperament because he resented any suggestions from the director.
3. According to medieval physiology, the physical and mental mannerisms or personalities of a person are caused by one of the four humors: In her history class concerning the Middle Ages, Sharon learned about the temperament of people’s behavior being dominated by or issuing from their normal bodily functions in relationship to blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.
4. Etymology: existing since about 1412, "proportioned mixture of elements", from Latin temperamentum, "proper mixture"; from temperare, "to mix".

In medieval theory, it meant a combination of qualities (hot, cold, moist, dry) that determined the nature of an organism; this was extended to a combination of the four humors (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic) that made up a person's characteristic disposition.

The general sense of "habit of mind, natural disposition" is from 1821; then temperamental, "of or pertaining to temperament" appeared in about 1646; and in the sense of "moody" it is recorded from about 1907.

What people are trying to get at when they use the word temperament is something along the lines of instinct; how someone approaches a situation and particularly how someone approaches a crisis.

—Beverly Gage, Yale University; as seen in
"What Kind of Temperament is Best?" by Nancy Gibbs; TIME;
October 27, 2008; page 40.