math-, -math +

(Greek > Latin: learning, science, that which is learned; knowledge)

Uselessness, trivia; knowledge without practical importance.
Someone who is self-taught; self learning.
Learning acquired by oneself.
The self-acquisition of knowledge; self learning.
Usefulness, more specifically a collection of passages from an author, to assist in the learning of a language.
chrestomathy (kres TOM uh thee, singular), chrestomathies (kres TOM uh theez, plural)
1. Devoted to academic pursuits or to learning in general.
2. Teaching what is useful.
3. A selection of literary passages, usually by one author.
4. An anthology used in studying a language.
5. A book of selections; especially, in a foreign language, usually for beginners.
An abbreviated or short term for mathematics.
mathemancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by counting; enumeration of predetermined objects: In order to prophesy the grade on her geometry test, Nancy used the method of mathemancy by gathered up all the buttons she could find and totalled them up to find the answer to her question.
1. A minor, petty, or inferior mathematician.
2. Someone pretending to know more about mathematics than is actually true.
An expert or specialist in mathematics.
1. A science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement.
2. The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols.
3. The systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically.

Pointing to a page about the origins of mathematics. The etymology of mathematics.

1. A science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement.
2. Mathematics, chiefly British and used with a singular verb.
The branch of mathematics that deals with the logic and consistency of mathematical proofs, formulas, and equations.
misomath (s) (noun), misomaths (pl)
A hater of mathematics and or science: Susan was superb in geography, but very poor in arithmetic and everything having to do with numbers; so, she accepted the fact that she was a misomath, and decided never to work in a bank nor any other place where she would have to be proficient with numbers!
misomathy (s) (noun), misomathies (pl)
1. Antipathy towards learning: Toby loved to play football with his friends, and when it came to do his homework, he was a misomathy, hating to memorize facts and writing essays for school or even just reading books!
2. A hatred of mathematics or of learning the subject: Diane knew she was very poor at adding and subtracting and she abhorred having to go to the blackboard in front of the classroom and do calculations; so, she accepted the fact that she was a misomathy and decided to drop the class as soon as possible.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "know, knowledge; learn, learning": cogni-; discip-; gno-; histor-; intellect-; learn, know; sap-; sci-; sopho-.