mascu-, mas-

(Latin: male, manly, of or relating to men or boys; of the male sex and gender; bold, courageous)

1. Castrated, deprived of virility.
2. To make unmanly, deprive of vigor; to make weak, effeminate.
3. To have one's manhood taken away.
4. To make effeminate and cowardly; to enfeeble, impoverish; such as, language.
To make masculine.
masculine: male, males
1. Of or pertaining to the gender to which appellations of males normally belong.
2. Pertaining to the male sex; peculiar to or assigned to males; consisting of males.
3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of men or boys; male.
4. Etymology: "belonging to the male gender" from Old French masculin, "of the male sex"; from Latin masculinus, "male, of the masculine gender"; from masculus.

The meaning of "having the appropriate qualities of the male sex; that is, manly, virile, and powerful" was first indicated in the 1620's.

1. The quality or condition of being masculine.
2. Things characteristic of the male sex.
masculinize (verb), masculinizes; masculinized; masculinizing
To render manlike or more like a boy or a man: James had obviously had the form and appearance a male because he always masculinizes the types of clothing that he wears.
1. Like a masculine or like a male.
2. A male form or appearance.
3. Appearing to be like a male, or similar, to a male.
1. To have one's manhood taken away.
2. To make effeminate and cowardly; to enfeeble.