1. A display of skill or cleverness; especially, for deceitful purposes; trickery; deception: Sharon performed a dazzling show of political legerdemain to be elected as a senator of her state.
2. A sleight of hand; magic tricks; any illusory feat: Hank's skill in legerdemain was amazing; however, he lacked the showmanship necessary to become a professional magician.
3. Any kind of skill by which something happens without it being obvious as to how it is done: There apparently are some economists who use legerdemain to increase profits with their investments.
4. Etymology: from about 1430, "conjuring tricks", from Middle French (as written and spoken approximately between 1400-1600) léger de main, "quick of hand" from léger, "light" in weight. Previously from Latin levis, "light" + Latin main or manus), "hand".

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2. A sleight of hand; magic tricks; any illusory feat: Hank's skill in legerdemain was amazing; however, he lacked the showmanship necessary to become a professional magician.
3. Any kind of skill by which something happens without it being obvious as to how it is done: There apparently are some economists who use legerdemain to increase profits with their investments.
4. Etymology: from about 1430, "conjuring tricks", from Middle French (as written and spoken approximately between 1400-1600) léger de main, "quick of hand" from léger, "light" in weight. Previously from Latin levis, "light" + Latin main or manus), "hand".

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levomanual (adjective) (not comparative)
A reference to being left-handed: Max uses his levomanual skills as a mechanic to repair cars as well as the other right-handed mechanics where he works.
maintain (verb), maintains; maintained; maintaining
1. To carry on, to stick to one's objectives: James thought it was very important to maintain a good relationship with his mother while he was away at college and so he wrote e-mails and talked to her on the phone regularly.
2: To preserve or retain an existing condition: Although her boss criticized her severely for being late for work, Mrs. Jackson maintained her composure and started to work right away.
3: To keep in a state of good restoration or condition: The Roberts couple had two cars which they maintained for years, both of which were more than 10 years old and in perfect shape and driving very well!
4: To keep up, to adhere to: Sherry was an excellent teacher who had to maintain a level of proficiency in order to keep her status of being the principal of the school.
5. Etymology: from Latin manutenere "to hold in the hand"; from manu, ablative of manus, "hand" + tenere, "to hold".
2: To preserve or retain an existing condition: Although her boss criticized her severely for being late for work, Mrs. Jackson maintained her composure and started to work right away.
3: To keep in a state of good restoration or condition: The Roberts couple had two cars which they maintained for years, both of which were more than 10 years old and in perfect shape and driving very well!
4: To keep up, to adhere to: Sherry was an excellent teacher who had to maintain a level of proficiency in order to keep her status of being the principal of the school.
5. Etymology: from Latin manutenere "to hold in the hand"; from manu, ablative of manus, "hand" + tenere, "to hold".
maintainable (adjective), more maintainable, most maintainable
Referring to being sustained, upheld, or kept up: Fortunately, the amount of garden work for Janet was maintainable because it was necessary in order to have her yard looking nice and tidy.
1. Someone who keeps, upholds, or supports something: Henry was a conscientious objector and didn’t join the army because he was a strict maintainer of pacifism.
2. A person who tends to maintenance work: The janitor of the school was a maintainer along with the cleaning team and they all kept the school clean and did any repair work that was necessary.
3. A device which keeps the teeth in a proper position: After Linda spent about three years wearing braces, she then had to wear a maintainer to keep the right arrangement of her teeth in place.
2. A person who tends to maintenance work: The janitor of the school was a maintainer along with the cleaning team and they all kept the school clean and did any repair work that was necessary.
3. A device which keeps the teeth in a proper position: After Linda spent about three years wearing braces, she then had to wear a maintainer to keep the right arrangement of her teeth in place.
1: The procedure of keeping an object or place in good condition: The maintenance, or care of the playground, involved repairs jobs, sand cleaning, and disposing of garbage; all of which cost the town more than it had planned.
2: Financial support for a person’s expenses; alimony: Not only did Greg have to keep up his own maintenance of living, but he also had to pay for his two children who were living with their mother, his former wife.
2: Financial support for a person’s expenses; alimony: Not only did Greg have to keep up his own maintenance of living, but he also had to pay for his two children who were living with their mother, his former wife.
A device for confining the hands, usually consisting of a set of two metal rings that are fastened around the wrists and joined by a metal chain: The thief was finally caught at the scene of the crime and was taken away in manacles, with his arms behind his back, which prevented him from fighting with the police.
manacle (verb), manacles; manacled; manacling
To confine or to restrain: The police officer manacled the prisoner with handcuffs.
manage (verb), manages; managed; managing
1. To direct or to control the use of something: After learning how to ride a tricycle, Lisa managed to ride a bicycle at a very young age.
2. To have control of something: Sharon is managing her family's bakery; and she was able to put her talent and knowledge to good use.
3. To make submissive to one's authority, discipline, or persuasion: It was becoming more and more difficult for the parents to manage their teenage son, because he was constantly staying out longer with his friends than was permissible.
4. To direct the professional career of an entertainer or athlete, etc,: The actors were being managed by an agency that provided good payments for their performances and their careers.
5. To succeed in accomplishing a goal or objective; especially, with difficulty: Shirley recently managed to get a promotion and a better salary with her company after five years of successful achievements.
6. Etymology: from Italian maneggiare, "to handle"; especially, "to control a horse"; from Latin, manus, "hand".
2. To have control of something: Sharon is managing her family's bakery; and she was able to put her talent and knowledge to good use.
3. To make submissive to one's authority, discipline, or persuasion: It was becoming more and more difficult for the parents to manage their teenage son, because he was constantly staying out longer with his friends than was permissible.
4. To direct the professional career of an entertainer or athlete, etc,: The actors were being managed by an agency that provided good payments for their performances and their careers.
5. To succeed in accomplishing a goal or objective; especially, with difficulty: Shirley recently managed to get a promotion and a better salary with her company after five years of successful achievements.
6. Etymology: from Italian maneggiare, "to handle"; especially, "to control a horse"; from Latin, manus, "hand".
Something which is possible to be done or achieved: Joe's family was wondering about the manageability of raising and feeding so many chickens in such a small space in their garden.
A situation which is capable of being properly administered or mastered: The manageableness of all the devices on the dashboard of a new car was a very important factor in deciding which automobile would be the best for Henry's wife.
manageably (adverb), more manageably, most manageably
Regarding how a person or something can be controlled or dealt with: Gary told his son that the problems he had in school were manageably possible to solve and improve if he paid more attention to his schoolwork instead of playing games on his computer so often.
manageably (adverb), more manageably, most manageably
Referring to being practicable or capable of taking proper care of something: The manageably organizing and transporting of the group of children was very important for the student teacher’s first time to go on a field trip to the zoo with them.
1. The act, manner, or practice of handling, supervising, or controlling: The management of the refugee crises in Europe is certainly the biggest and most important challenge the countries have at the moment!
2. People who control or direct a business or an institution: Some top members of the management of Ted's company have had to leave their positions due to the exhaust scandal of the cars that have been manufactured.
2. People who control or direct a business or an institution: Some top members of the management of Ted's company have had to leave their positions due to the exhaust scandal of the cars that have been manufactured.
The management of Tom's company decided to produce better equipment for contractors to use when constructing new houses.
1. Someone who handles, controls, or directs; especially, someone who directs a business or other enterprise: The manager of the store had to make certain that it was cleaned properly, the items put on the shelves in an orderly fashion, and that all the supplies were ordered on time.
2. In sports, someone who is in charge of the training and performances of athletes or a team: Jack had the special position of being the manager of the group of swimmers of the high school, preparing them for the big competition with the other schools in the district.
2. In sports, someone who is in charge of the training and performances of athletes or a team: Jack had the special position of being the manager of the group of swimmers of the high school, preparing them for the big competition with the other schools in the district.
Related "hand" units: cheiro-, chiro-; Dextro and Sinsitro History; Hands as Objects of Art; Hands: Mechanical Marvels; palm.