malleo-, malle- +
(Latin: hammer)
2. A condition in which the middle joint of the toe is bent.
The end part of the toe bends down into a claw-like deformity.
It is more often seen as the big toe with the condition that may be congenital or acquired and which may require corrective surgery.
To clarify the connection between today's malls and the 1674 mall, we should view the malls we have now as "public walking places" (promenades) with The Mall in St. Jame's Park in London which referred to that alley-game mentioned earlier; that is, pall-mall or literally "ball-mallet".
2. A grassy public park, typically for pedestrian use: Shanna strolled down the mall and enjoyed the beauty of the flowering trees.
The gangster's moll decided to go to the mall for the New Year's sales; however, she immediately went back home because she noticed that the mall was packed with so many people and she didn't want anyone to maul her during the excitement of the sales.
2. Descriptive of a metal having been beaten out into a thin plate: The antique tray receptacle in the museum appeared to be a piece of malleable silver.
3. Characterizing a person or something that can be influenced, adapted or fashioned to situations or mental challenges: As a teacher, Hans was always amazed at the malleable minds and personalities of his students.
The teachers were striving to develop a malleable plan that would serve to develop the "malleability" of the minds of their pupils.

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2. A form of tic, in which the hands twitch in a hammering motion against the thighs.
3. Metal which has been wrought, or shaped, with a hammer; also, marked or dented as with a hammer.