-ance, -ancy
(Latin: often through French, quality or state of; being; condition; act or fact of _______ ing; a suffix that forms nouns)
countenance (verb), countenances; countenanced; countenancing
To accept, to approve, or to support an action: The mayor said he would countenance and authorize a rock concert to take place in the city park next Saturday.

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1. A burden, an obstacle, or a hindrance.
2. A lot of trouble or bother.
2. A lot of trouble or bother.
1. Renunciation of faith, allegiance, or amity; a declaration of hostilities.
2. The act of defying or challenging by fighting or a challenge or summons to a combat or contest: "The worker's defiance resulted in a challenge to maintain the objectives of the project or he would take legal action."
2. The act of defying or challenging by fighting or a challenge or summons to a combat or contest: "The worker's defiance resulted in a challenge to maintain the objectives of the project or he would take legal action."
demonstrational (adjective), more demonstrational, most demonstrational
A reference to showing or proving something: The TV program showed a demonstrational video of the street scenes.
1. The lack of agreement or harmony by people or groups of people.
2. In music, a combination of inharmonious sounds or tones.
2. In music, a combination of inharmonious sounds or tones.
discountenance (verb), discountenances; discountenanced; discountenancing
1. To refuse to approve of something: Jake's family discountenanced smoking cigarettes and the excessive drinking of alcohol.
2. To disturb the composure of a person: Peggy was not discountenanced by her fellow student's accusation that she was cheating on the vocabulary test.

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2. To disturb the composure of a person: Peggy was not discountenanced by her fellow student's accusation that she was cheating on the vocabulary test.

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The breaking off or separating of something.
dissonance (noun), dissonances (pl)
Harsh and inharmonious sounds: The musician horrified his audience with a presentation of dissonance or cacophony in one of his presentations.

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1. The stretch of space or length between two points: All the places of interest in the city were all of walking distance.
2. The expanse between two things when they are far apart from one another: Jim wondered if the distance from his house to the lake was too far to walk.
3. The uninvolved relationship between two people or things: Even though the two students knew each other for a long time, there was still an emotional distance between them that was felt by the others in the group.
4. Farawayness of an object, place, person, or animal: Finally Raymond could perceive the mountain goat in the distance when climbing up the slope.
5. Aloofness, coolness, or unfriendliness of a person's behavior: Valerie turned away from Adam with noticeable distance and stiffness when they accidentally met in the store.
2. The expanse between two things when they are far apart from one another: Jim wondered if the distance from his house to the lake was too far to walk.
3. The uninvolved relationship between two people or things: Even though the two students knew each other for a long time, there was still an emotional distance between them that was felt by the others in the group.
4. Farawayness of an object, place, person, or animal: Finally Raymond could perceive the mountain goat in the distance when climbing up the slope.
5. Aloofness, coolness, or unfriendliness of a person's behavior: Valerie turned away from Adam with noticeable distance and stiffness when they accidentally met in the store.
A lack or absence of moderation, specifically an excess in drinking or other indulgences: After being at the pub for a long time, distemperance was noted in Steven’s behavior because he had had too many beers, so he was sent home by taxi instead of being allowed to drive his car.