
(Latin: place; from place to place; where something is positioned or situated)

locate (LOH kate", loh KATE) (verb), locates; located; locating
1. To discover or find out the position of something or someone: Bernice tried to track down or to locate the house of her grandparents who had lived in the town for many years.
2. To situate or to assign a place to someone: The European firm wants to locate some of its employees to its sister company in San Francisco.
3. To be established in a particular place: Ted's bank is located in the center of town so all the residents can go there conveniently.
loco citato, loc. cit.; l.c.
In the place already cited.

This phrase is a tool of the scholar. Abbreviated loc.cit., it is used in footnotes to refer a reader to a passage that was previously cited; for example, Jones, loc.cit.

locomobile (s) (noun), locomobiles (pl)
reallocate (ri AL uh kayt") (verb), reallocates; reallocated; reallocating
To decide officially that something will be used for a different purpose: James told his financial advisor that he wants to reallocate some of his profits from the stocks to buy bonds.

After the school trip was canceled because of the tornadoes, the money was reallocated to pay for the cost of a different trip at a time when things were more normal.

relocate (ree LOH kayt") (verb), relocates; relocated; relocating
1. To move to a different place: Jerome's brother relocated from a small town to a big city in order to get a job that pays higher wages.

Because Mr. Johnson had a new job in Boston, the family had to relocate to the new city and buy a house.

2. To become established in a new area: Because his firm was relocated to the West, the Lawson family had to move to Los Angeles so the father could continue his employment with the company.