lino-, lin-, line-
(Greek > Latin: line, thread, string, cord, net)
1. To make parallel; line up.
2. To adjust the line of sight of (an optical device).
2. To adjust the line of sight of (an optical device).
delineate (verb), delineates; delineated; delineating
1. To clearly describe or to show something in detail: Mrs. Gregory told her students to delineate the main character of the story in a sketch which they believed would show what he looked like.
2. To define or to determine the precise position of something: The two children decided to delineate their shared bedroom, dividing it into two equal halves so that each one had the same amount of space for their things.

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2. To define or to determine the precise position of something: The two children decided to delineate their shared bedroom, dividing it into two equal halves so that each one had the same amount of space for their things.

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lineal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Concerning the direct line of descent from an ancestor: Kevin's lineal heritage to the property was through his mother's side of the family.
2. Consisting of lines; delineated: Harry's piece of artwork depicted a tree only made with vertical and lineal marks using ink and pen.
2. Consisting of lines; delineated: Harry's piece of artwork depicted a tree only made with vertical and lineal marks using ink and pen.
1. The characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin.
2. A major topographical feature such as a long fault plane that reveals something about its subsurface.
3. A feature or detail of a face, body, or figure, considered with respect to its outline or contour: "His fine lineaments made him the an image of his father."
2. A major topographical feature such as a long fault plane that reveals something about its subsurface.
3. A feature or detail of a face, body, or figure, considered with respect to its outline or contour: "His fine lineaments made him the an image of his father."
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