leuko-, leuk-, -leukemia; alternate spellings: leuco-, leuc-, -leucemia

(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")

adipoleucocyte (s) (noun), adipoleucocytes (pl)
A white cell containing fat droplets or wax, as in insects: An adipoleucocyte is a blood cell of particular insects that have the cytoplasm filled with oil globules.
aleukemia, aleukaemia (s) (noun); aleukemias; aleukaemias (pl)
A lack of a diminished total of white blood cell count in the peripheral blood cells: Aleukemia consists of varieties of diseases in which the white cell count of the blood is not normal, or is so inadequate that it can even result in death.
aleukemic (adjective) (not comparable)
In pathology, concerning a form of leukaemia; aleukaemic: The elderly Mrs. White was informed by her doctor that she had am aleukemic condition due the am absence of white blood cells in her blood.
aleukia (s) (noun), aleukias (pl)
In medicine, an absence of or an extreme reduction in the number of white blood cells in the blood circulation; leukopenia: Dr. Hathaway told his students about aleukia as being a very serious health condition due to the extraordinarily low count of leukocytes in a person's vital fluid.
aleukocyte (s) (noun), aleukocytes (pl)
A white blood cell: Jack learned that aleukocytes were extremely important in an individual's body for protection against infections, for example.
aleukocytic (adjective), more aleukocytic, most aleukocytic
A reference to the absence of or extremely reduced numbers of blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi: Lionel's aleukocytic condition resulted in a lack of normal protection of his body against microorganisms that cause disease.
hypoleucocytosis (s) (noun), hypoleucocytoses (pl)
An inadequate number of white blood cells in the blood: Mr. Thompson was told by Dr. Smart that he had a case of hypoleucocytosis, a very serious condition due to a low white cell count of less than 4,000 cells per microliter of blood.
leucine (s) (noun), leucines (pl)
An amino acid found among the products of digestion of proteins: Leucines are present in body tissues and are essential for normal growth and metabolism or all of the chemical processes by which cells produce the energy and substances necessary for life in order to produce heat and energy, to repair tissues, and to help body growth to develop.
leucite (s) (noun), leucites (pl)
A white or gray mineral of potassium aluminum silicate: Leucite is found in alkali volcanic rocks.
leucocarpous (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the white fruit of a plant: The fruit of the ornamental common snowberry is leucocarpous and is a valuable landscape plant withstanding sun, heat, drought, and cold weather.
leucocratic (adjective), more leucocratic, nost leucocratic
In geology, pertaining to a rock which is composed mainly of light-colored minerals: Such leucocratic lumps of consolidated igneous matter contain a minimum of 90% felsic minerals.
leucocyan (s) (noun), leucocyans (pl)
A pigment found in certain algae: Leucocyan is a dark- blue colouring substance present in a type of plant without stems or leaves and grows in water or in damp surfaces.
leucocyte (s) (noun), leucocytes (pl)
In cytology, a white blood cell; leukocyte: A leucocytes is one of many big unpigmented cells in a person't vital fluid and is also known as a white blood corpuscle.
leucocythemia, leukemia, leukaemia (s) (noun); leucocythemias; leukemias: leukaemias (pl)
A disease in which the white corpuscles of the blood are largely increased in number; leuchaemia: Leucocythemia is also characterised by an enlargement of the spleen, or the lymphatic glands;
leucocytometer, leukocytometer (s) (noun); leucocytometers; leukocytometers (pl)
A specialized and standardised glass slide which is adapted to count the leukocytes: Dr. Lawson, an expert in the application of a leucocytometer, made sure that the measured volume of of precisely diluted blood was close at hand for calculating the leukocytes.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albo-; albumino-.