laps-, lab-
(Latin: to slip, to fall; to glide)
The environmental rate of decrease with height for an atmospheric variable or temperature: The atmospheric lapse rate is the rate of decrease with height and not simply the rate of change.
While most often applied to the Earth's atmosphere, the concept can be extended to any gravitationally supported ball of gas.
In other words, the atmospheric lapse rate involves the decrease of temperature with elevation in the atmosphere.
The "environmental lapse rate" is determined by the distribution of temperature in the vertical at a given time and place and should be carefully distinguished from the process lapse rate, which applies to an individual air parcel.
In astronomy, (formerly) a gravitationally collapsed star; now referred to as a "black hole".
collapse delirium
Delirium caused by extreme physical depression induced by a shock, profuse hemorrhage, exhausting labor, etc.
collapse, collapses, collapsed, collapsing (verb forms)
1. To fall down or inward suddenly; to cave in.
2. To break down suddenly in strength or health and cease to function; such as, a patient who collapsed as she was walking.
3. To fold compactly;for example, temporary fencing that collapses.
4. The act of falling down or inward, as from a loss of supports.
5. An abrupt failure of function, strength, or health; collapsibility, collapsible, collapsable.
6. Literally, to fall together, from Latin collapsus, past participle of collabi, "fall together", from com-, "together" plus labi, "to fall, to slip".
2. To break down suddenly in strength or health and cease to function; such as, a patient who collapsed as she was walking.
3. To fold compactly;for example, temporary fencing that collapses.
4. The act of falling down or inward, as from a loss of supports.
5. An abrupt failure of function, strength, or health; collapsibility, collapsible, collapsable.
6. Literally, to fall together, from Latin collapsus, past participle of collabi, "fall together", from com-, "together" plus labi, "to fall, to slip".
Capable of collapsing or of being collapsed.
1. A state of falling together.
2. A state of vessels that have closed.
2. A state of vessels that have closed.
1. To fall or to slide down.
2. To slip down; to descend, to sink.
2. To slip down; to descend, to sink.
A falling down, or out of place; a prolapsion.
elapse (verb), elapses; elapsed, elapsing
To pass or to go by, especially in a gradual, slow, or imperceptible way; to slip away: Several hours elapsed before James and Mary arrived home from their trip.

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The act or process of elapsing.
illapse (s), illapses (pl) (noun forms)
1. A gliding in; an immisson or entrance of one thing into another; also, a sudden descent or attack.
2. Inspirations; divine influxes.
2. Inspirations; divine influxes.
illapse, illapses, illapsed, illapsing (verb forms)
To fall or to glide; to pass (usually followed by "into"); such as, "He illapsed into a deep sleep."
1. A person who believes in infralapsarianism.
2. Of or pertaining to infralapsarians or infralapsarianism.
2. Of or pertaining to infralapsarians or infralapsarianism.
In theology, the doctrine, held by Augustinians and by many Calvinists, that God planned the Creation, permitted the Fall, elected a chosen number, planned their redemption, and suffered the remainder to be eternally punished; the opposite of supralapsarianism).
The lapse, flow, or interval of time between two events.